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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i thought it was a video game. that's a preview for an animated series?? wtf.
  2. wtf. precrime comcplete w/surveillance and officers visiting people's homes.
  3. william H macy is not in it (Happiness). i think you're confusing him w/this guy.. Dylan Baker who plays the uber creepy pedo. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0048414/?ref_=tt_cl_t_4
  4. saw that in the theater. i think on a date. classic. so many scenes that are WTF.
  5. i mean.. why not.. it's probably almost big enough to house his ego comfortably. srsly though fuck it. he's got the cash. might as well have plenty of space and do big shit. seems a bit idk... heavy on the consumption of energy and stuff but might as well make a big carbon footprint every chance he gets
  6. won't be surprised to find out in a year or whatever that that woman is a russian asset or something. also, southern butthurt religious fucktards can fuck off to the moon edit: really.. someone shut her up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Shemirani
  7. does this mean he's out of the russian detox? for the all the xanax or whatever?
  8. that sounds very plausible but i wouldn't be surprised if he fails upwards again and does a beautiful bigly winning campaign.
  9. apparently he's given very strong indication that he will run for pres in 2024. i hope SDNY beats him to the punch.
  10. that's assuming those deaths are distributed evenly... which they're not right? edit: i'd be ok w/these people being rounded up and forced to smoke some formaldehyde soaked weed as an attempt to reset them. if that doesn't work then i'm ok w/them being forced to smoke formaldehyde soaked weed with an LSD chaser as an attempted reset and if that doesn't work then i'm ok w/them being forced to smoke formaldehyde soaked weed with an LSD chaser then 4mg xanax sleep followed by 2 cups black coffee while watching Adam Curtis documentaries as an attempted reset nd if that doesn't work then i'm ok w/them being forced to smoke formaldehyde soaked weed with an LSD chaser then 4mg xanax sleep followed by 2 cups black coffee while watching Adam Curtis documentaries follow by some salvia and DMT and followed by a therapist guided MDMA session as an attempted reset...
  11. would legit bring a bat to the clinic if i lived in LA and each of these fuckers would get a nice taste of it.
  12. this is clearly about cumming and shidding nad pissing,.
  13. could post this in any of the various threads but why not here.. nice lols.
  14. fat face looking like he's on the toilet pushing out a brick
  15. PSH classic stealing every scene he's in in this movie.
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