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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. should force the states to make people use their proof of Covid vaccine Card as ID to vote.
  2. the last building i lived in got full of smoke on 2 floors because one person cleaned their oven the day after thanksgiving. all the hallway smoke detectors kept going off for hours. i was told it was from old turkey grease. get a fan. point it out the window.
  3. coastal india though.. holy crap. so many people.
  4. yeah i mean.. i know.. and as said generally not gonna flirt w/anyone who's at work because they're trapped and shouldn't have to deal w/that shit on the job. but still enjoying the idea that we're flirting a little and time will tell. 9 appointments left to enjoy the atmosphere.
  5. actual lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. fuckn hell., that's how hot it was here in portland a couple weeks ago. this is nuts. from the article you posted. fckn beeef and soy.
  7. fuckin cringe post right here! been getting daily (week days) radiation treatments for a few weeks. 9 left to go. there's a nurse there i chat w/every time and we have a good rapport and good chats. lot's of questions and answers. beyond the necessary medical stuff.. this is normal i think and chats happen in these medical offices.. it's just what happens when you're hanging out before/after appointment and are there frequently. i can't figure out if we're flirting though. typically i don't flirt w/people when they're working because it just seems creepy and someone shouldn't have to be hit on when they're trapped at work.. still.. i want to flirt.. maybe will just ride out the chats and make room for flirts as a possibility. so rusty at it all and my social skills are like a 3 out of possible 10 after cancer stuff over the last few years and now pandemic. maybe i'll just awkward myself to death. reminds me of that meme..
  8. i don't buy that. seems crazy. saw the "amazing rivers" series on PBS and the amazon is pretty amazing.. the whole place is responsible for so much weather in far off places. forms atmospheric river that becomes clouds then gets backed up against the andes and creates snow. the amazon is so interconnected w.the whole world really.. w/o it we'd be fucked faster.. harder.. stronger. oh.. it's called Rivers of Life.. amazing series. https://www.pbs.org/show/rivers-life/
  9. i'm sure it's happened in other ways to various populations. i mean.. it's must've. generations of people doing the same things the same way has to become an inherited trait at some point right? as a result of the effects of physical stuff like sitting a certain way or something. maybe it takes a thousand years though.
  10. i finished this 8 part series yesterday. holy shit such seedy fucked up religious behavior. cover up everything. this podcast goes everywhere, rape, trump, mega sketchy financial dealing, federal funds, racism, weirdo politics etc etc. some true american south evangelical extremism type shit. fuck these people.
  11. terminator except the terminator goes back and kills christopher columbus' mom.
  12. if you want to do a bit of a deep dive w/regards to trump and evangelicals and the fallwells... the liberty university stuff.. falwell's wife banging the pool boy and how that led to evangelicals endorsing trump.. Gangster Capitalism has an 8 part series about it all on their podcast which is amazing and hilarious. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/gangster-capitalism/id1460320573?i=1000523139018 also on stitcher - all the jerry falwell jr. episodes.. https://www.stitcher.com/show/gangster-capitalism
  13. the church is RICH AS FUCK. so, does that make them a double virus? yeah.. probably.. don't get me start on religion and specifically the catholic church because i won't shut the fuck up for a while and i'll knock this thread into a tail spin. i'll let stephen fry make some comments as a starter. other topics worth investigation, the witch hunts, the war on women, dawn of capitalism, mass graves at full of indigenous people at former catholic run schools in canada, white supremacy, raping children, the new world etc etc..
  14. uh, huh.. sure. "funny" .. we're not laughing with him.. we're laughing at him. because he's demented and fucking weird as hell in not good ways. he's an idiot. don't be disingenuous. or maybe you are being sincere in which case ok sleep well.
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