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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i would get the vaccine even if it could only be injected in the peener or vagene.
  2. and the Qanon shit got picked up by "essential oils" anti-vax moms in the suburbs and karens.
  3. er, eventually. but the millions of jews probably feel different.
  4. and they got hacked or something a while ago. SS# and all kinds of data. truly. that's why people like Josh Hawley are troubling. he's way smarter and capable of manipulation of people. all these republicans like ted cruz are trying to take over trump's base for 2024.
  5. he'll be on parler probably soon. can't imagine his head isn't expanding not being able to tweet. he must send out snippets of rage as often as possible to reduce the pressure of building bullshit in his skull.
  6. facebook and twitter ban trump indefinitely https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/facebook-instagram-ban-trump-capitol-riots-b1783967.html
  7. defunding mental health hospitals and deregulating airlines, trucking industry etc. there's a lot of coverage on these things. books. studies etc. that's some sign "Bible over logic over science"
  8. draw? you didn't have the rubber stamp and ink pad? i thought everyone had one.
  9. "fuck around and find" out is not in their minds i guess. i think a lot of white middle class people live ina bubble where they enjoy the privilege of not having to think about getting shot by the authorities so when it actually happens they don't know how to process it. "we were just breaking into the capitol for the purposes of revolution and they shot her!" like that woman who got maced in the face and was shocked. "we were storming the capitol! it's a revolution. and they maced me in the face" like fuckn duh you dumb fuck. "we were just shooting at them! then they started SHOOTING AT US!!!" 1 was shot and 3 had medical emergencies and couldn't get help
  10. she was climbing through the window that was broken and was shot. not an accident. there's video on the previous pages of this thread. edit: https://streamja.com/LMd0A
  11. it sucks that people are so duped and sucked in by this crazy bullshit conspiracy stuff. but it's real. that shit is wrecking things. wrecking families. people not speaking to each other. how they get there.. i don't know. hero worship of trump is dumb enough. it's one thing to be a moron who can't see who he is and what he is about.. it's another to be a conservite and knowing who he is and what he's about going in for it anyways because he's a means to an end.. then factor in all the fringe that has come along for the ride and that trump has latched on to and promoted because they love him and that's all he cares about.. and then we get where we are with people so deluded they go and storm the fucking capitol. so yeah.. overall it's sad as fuck.. but i see this as always going to happen. this is the natural progression of trumpism. 'only a matter of time' until some of these folks 'fuck around and find out' hard enough to end up dead. as i see it man of them have pushed their luck for a long time now.. 4 years of this and the campaign prior to 2016. the state finally getting around to doing its job in relation to trumpists and MAGA cultists etc is a hard thing for them to swallow and it's high time they swallow it because the state has one master and it's the elite who run the country.. be that congress and the federal gov't or the people who pick up the phone and make shit happen. idk.. it's all paralyzingly stupid.
  12. facebook and instagram have also suspended trumps accounts
  13. hard to say.. i mean.. this Q shit is a mental illness. delusion of cult and all that comes with it. an alternate reality they live in. trump apparently is unhinged. his intention was to cause mayhem and chaos today according to people around him.. who've apparently been "alarmed by his actions and words" for 4 years now. they're finally understanding that he's going to do anything he can to stay in power. some of the cabinet is actually talking about 25th amendment.
  14. multiple angles of the woman being shot moments after and her on a stretcher. some NSFL moments in the link with other angles the edgy videos were removed by reddit
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