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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. it was a typo.. was supposed to say "i'm skeptical of ball sounds" srsly though was just tiny venting about one specific thing. this is how ambient rants bubble up.
  2. i think i made a _trance n' bass_ track. is that a thing?
  3. So that hour long call is new. From yesterday apparently. He’s doing the same thing in other states but there’s no recordings of those conversations that we know of. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Probably accurate. They could arrest him with a massive show of force. Troops, federal cops etc. take him away in a helicopter. Or abduct him in the middle of the night and put a black bag over his head. Rendition him to a cia interrogation cell. Live stream it for our pleasure. Last bit is sarcasm obviously but I do think there’s a way to do it if it comes down to that. Trump’s meltdown would be epic. They could opt to simply bankrupt him with fines and back taxes. Make him dependent on his family. Seize his assets etc. basically do what happens to dan akroyd’s character in Trading Places. Release the pee tapes etc. I suspect that might make for a decent plan with the end goal being arresting and imprisoning him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. i predict he'll get sued in florida over mar a lago if he decides to make it his residence. when he opened it as a club the city/county made a deal with him that it couldn't be a residence and had to stay a club and rental place for weddings etc. so, he's technically not supposed to be allowed to live there full time. there's already drama over this and a county commissioner or local representative of some kind.. is trying to press the issue in an official capacity. once he's out of office SDNY is going to go after him hard. they've hired forensic accountants to go through his business deals and taxes. if they can gather up the evidence and present it in a compelling way he very well could be heavily fined and or sent to some kind of country club type federal prison for white collar criminals. very skeptical about all that actually happening but who knows.. he at a minimum is going to be paying lawyers for years to deal with this shit.
  6. now he's telling him to find him 11,000 votes and all kinds of other bullshit. the tapes are new anyways. trump probably thinks he lost but that it's all fair if he can steal some votes and be declared the winner.. that's how his life has been. if he can cheat to win then that's normal.
  7. it sucks. i posted it in the celebrity deaths thread a while ago but certainly deserves his own thread. RIP true legend.
  8. https://www.wltx.com/article/news/politics/elections/trump-tweets-about-fulton-county-brad-raffensperger-brian-kemp/85-a503efec-df8a-42ee-a92f-70271eac840f
  9. good to know. i still have a working photoshop install but would be nice to ditch it for something new/fast/light.. especially if i end up with an ipad.
  10. a highly technological existence with no meaning other than fulfilling the day day tasks for the continued existence of the society? no children. just test tube babies. no art or culture. just drugs and intense multimedia experiences followed up by pleasure with physically ideal but endlessly similar sexual partners in a utopia city? and all the rest living on the outskirts of that city. excluded. choosing to live in human simplicity without any tech and totally relying on their own wit for survival? if there's some kind of fascist technology fueled pragmatism that leads us there i don't see it yet. if that's where we're headed there's one big environmental apocalypse between then and now.
  11. there's a whole bunch of fuckery around all that. cops can't often live in the same places they patrol.. or won't live in those places.. which fucks up the tax base thus means the money leaves teh district so poor people pay to have police come from the suburbs to oppress them. this obviously engenders some fucked up attitudes. same for when the police can't afford to live there.. the bay area is so expense the police have to cmmute from wherever to go to work.. they often act out against the people who live there.. young people working in tech etc. it's all fucked up. america is fucked up and needs some pragmatism and common sense rules.
  12. sometimes it's the only solution since the older versions are available anymore. at least FCP can still be purchased unlike adobe creative cloud that forces subscription model. i've used iMovie for somethings and it's ok for basics.. but is also really stupid for some processes. can't complain because it came w/the computer a million years ago and did offer several updates over the years.
  13. disappointed no one painted "MOSCOW MITCH" on his door as that's the one that seems to get under his ample skin the most. pellosi and mitch are both multi millionaires. i forget the $ amount but over 20 or 30 million.
  14. COVID linked to heart damage in athletes who recovered. https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/ohio-state-study-30-of-student-athletes-have-heart-damage-linked-to-covid-19
  15. what kids would say to joe biden if he called them. some funny answers like "How'd you get my number?" and "I'd rather Kamala call me instead of Joe" https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/31/business/how-11-kids-think-the-biden-administration-should-spend-our-money.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share
  16. because i recently made the fm bell tones + skittery beat IDM track that everyone else made in 2001 and had to mess it up to make it tolerable.
  17. i recommend following sarah hightower if you're on twitter. for perspective.. and some funny in between the serious.
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