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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. does she know where you live? rule of thumb.. never indulge the unstable. likely they'll get obsessed then the next thing ya know they're pissed at you for having a GF and they kick in one of your front windows and drag the garden hose over from the front lawn into the broken window opening and turn it on.
  2. i sent some cards. that was the extent of my xmas gift giving this year. other than donation to local food bank.
  3. it's too windy to bother going for a bike ride.
  4. ignatius

    Brexit :(

    the piss bottles will pile up on the road though.
  5. that's nice. i like all the hiss and air in it. i'll have to check out henriksen
  6. i think from the AAA when asked about lack of melody i think techre response was "it's funny because every part of our tracks is tuned" [puts on sunglasses gif]
  7. trumpet tangent incoming: trumpet is one of mu favorite things to hear. lot's of miles davis in the ipod. sarah belle reid does good things w/the trump and modular synths and Max patches and also modified trumpet that sends gestural/air pressure etc data to max for interaction. the album she put out a year or so ago is good/interesting. has a nice pace to it and good mix of tracks that show the dynamics of trump mixed w/sound design and modular synth bug noises. https://www.instagram.com/sarahbellereid/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CI9Pm5-BwVr/ she was interviewed on darwin grosse's podcast a while back to if you are into podcasts.. it's an interesting interview. https://artmusictech.libsyn.com/podcast-311-sarah-belle-reid https://sarahbellereid.bandcamp.com/album/underneath-and-sonder
  8. can't lie.. first thought was "BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEST"
  9. trying to work on music but keep getting confronted w/the potential downfall of america at the hands psychopaths, traitors, insane conspiracy cock gobbling lawyers and president moron. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/19/politics/trump-oval-office-meeting-special-counsel-martial-law/index.html
  10. Did Tom Steyer hit you with his car? https://v.redd.it/vc7w9aqxm0661 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. drain the swamp! lols.. i think mishandling campaign cash is by itself a law breaking act however it seems like everyone does it so it's a slap on the wrist or something. unless, it's used as money laundering or to pay off someone in a coverup or other illegal shit. but i think the RNC must know about this. it's a lot of money. someone had to know about $600+ million being moved around. and i don't know the fine print.. with PACs and Super Pacs you can kinda do anything w/the money which is what the "stop the steal" thing is about really. but, if they're just pocketing the campaign funds from the RNC that seems like it could be illegal. of course.. there's always fine print ya know.. so we'll see.
  12. yeah.. read about that.. not a good look! i'm sure there's more we'll hear about in the coming weeks.
  13. omg need original video. what the fuck was that person responding to?
  14. the whitehouse still hasn't said a word about the biggest most damaging hack ever. fucking complicit bitches.
  15. jesus. epic work to be done. that's a lot of records. pretty cool they're digging into it all and the finds will have their own section in their record store.
  16. maybe this is what the russians are delivering to america with the solar winds hack?
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