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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. another current contender for most IDM 2024
  2. the max patches? looks like the glimpses sean posted on mastodon. quite refined and tidy.
  3. they upped their recorder game. is that one of the sound devices recorders there in the middle? looks like it... w/an ipad on top. ?? https://www.sounddevices.com/product/888/ or possibly the MixPre-6 II https://www.sounddevices.com/product/mixpre-6-ii/
  4. the office hours series from cycling74 is interesting chats
  5. there might be enough incels in america to buy unfuckable robots that the company will survive. of course, it depends on how much they cost and if their moms will let them have one in the basement.
  6. i'm perpetuating the problem.
  7. https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_rz1kuyHOJE1xubkmj.mp4
  8. ymmv of course but i find that it's the same as ever. there are people who can think for themselves, have "original thoughts" and there are people who are informed by some variety of mass opinions who rarely have an original thought. i still encounter plenty of people who have 'the gift of gab' and can shoot the shit about anything until my social gas tank is empty... i do wonder what the ratio of introverted vs extroverted person out there in the wild. i still am quite introverted and prefer small groups and one on one interactions. there is in the USA a mass culture though that's of various varieties and there's still the entitled groups who are sheltered and can exist in a bubble of school -> university -> job and not really leave that bubble world. classic "never had an original thought in their lives" kind of people. but also, being in a diverse group there's going to be people with very different life experiences who will challenge the common narrative of a group... much to the group's annoyance some times.
  9. interesting interview from diplomat who resigned. once she gets going.. some interesting facts about the system at work.. probably obvious or implied from a system like this but interesting to hear
  10. spotify Ai playlist generator rejected someone's prompt for making a playlist because it wasn't "inclusive" enough.
  11. i was super obsessed with the video version of Sports.. enough to rip it from youtube. tennis ball noises and all. the pace/vibe of it is way different than what they play live and what's on the album. and this live version of research chemicals is tops. also ripped it from youtube because the vibe.
  12. i think it would be really interesting water cooler situation.. or breakroom etc.. in the teacher's lounge.. ha.. teachers would be like "you all need to get the fuck out of here"
  13. was generally low income people dealing with complex problems of their situation/life/town/industry. it's that thing when they would ask someone about obamacare and they'd say it was dumb and should go away then the reporter would ask about the affordable care act and medicaid expansion and the same people would say how much that's helped them and saved their lives or whatever... facepalm. republican/foxnews etc messaging worked very well with all that. also what usually happens.. a bunch of things get passed during a democrats administration.. those things take a few years to roll out and benefit people.. that democrat doesn't get re-elected.. then things get good for some people and they attribute it to the republican who just took office a month ago.
  14. yeah.. just general gripes about the forever long election season, the news cycle and all the spin and fucking "swing voters" who can't find their way out of a wet paper bag. wasnt 538 famously wrong about enough things in 2016 to catch some shade? i remember various breakdowns of all that.. maybe they were right but only about popular vote.. but wrong about swing states and stuff. i've seen several interviews and stories about people in various rural and small towns and even edges of larger places in the midwest where people say "things were better under trump because a loaf of bread is thru the roof expensive now!" and shit like that. people ready to vote against their own interests.. as is the american way.
  15. i fucking hate all this shit. i hate the polls. i hate the predictions. i hate the swing states and i hate the electoral college. it's all bullshit. i fucking hate it. i hate it.
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