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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. learning something that requires muscle memory and speed or some aspect of athleticism can be really fun and satisfying. skate boarding, ping pong, cycling, soccer.. tennis.. whatever.. there's a thing that happens where you're in the moment and not thinking. your brain kind of turns off because you're just making decisions. not that athletes are some kind of automatons but there's a different part of your brain being accessed or something in some sports when there's constant motion. and when that gets really intense.. like stanley cup playoffs.. it's awesome to watch. but i get not being into it. as a kid.. once i got into flatland freestyle bmx, team sports were dead to me.
  2. via the UN regarding mass graves https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876 The development follows the recovery of hundreds of bodies “buried deep in the ground and covered with waste” over the weekend at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, central Gaza, and at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in the north. A total of 283 bodies were recovered at Nasser Hospital, of which 42 were identified. “Among the deceased were allegedly older people, women and wounded, while others were found tied with their hands…tied and stripped of their clothes,” said Ravina Shamdasani, spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
  3. also mark fell chat that is interesting.
  4. then make a new one edit: they should've made it w/cock and balls.
  5. it's stanley cup playoffs time. nothing compares to it. 2 months of insane hockey. best of 7 series x 4 to win. it's the best thing in teams sports imo. so fast and in the moment.
  6. Murder She Throat Rebel Poon Part One: Cock on Fire Rebel Poon Part Two: The Scargiver
  7. it's a conceptual thing meant to create emotion in people and a sense of fear/urgency. no one is pulling up this hand/table saw art at a climate conference to explain science/geo politics/human predicament. that being said.. a number of climate scientists are arguing that 2 degrees would a line up by the shoulder taking off the entire arm. basically saying 2 degrees will be catastrophic for a large number of people and larger number of wildlife edit: Shorter videos on specific people/places
  8. the memes can be fun some times but i hope jordan peterson's moment winds up soon.
  9. is it 60hz hum? or 50hz if you're not in america. if so that's a ground hum. sounds like the little grounding wire isn't connected. if that's not it it could be an issue in a few places. tone arm, stylus etc.
  10. he is indeed a genius. i think comics know, and people in the industry know that he's sort of a comedy GOAT. had his hands in so many things as a writer.. showed up all over the place and has a lot of famous/successful friends who he collaborates w/now and then.
  11. "and another thing..." https://www.citizen.org/article/mushroom-risk-ai-app-misinformation/
  12. at first i was thinking "JFC nuke from orbit" but he gets into classic triumph mode once he gets going. pretty funny one liners in there.
  13. yeah.. probably at some point those bands will be playing a few covers of songs produced by Ai though.
  14. I typically use DuckDuckGo. Sometimes I use google. Once I scroll down passed the ads the results seem better than DuckDuckGo sometimes. Usually I go to google when I’m frustrated. But sometimes google frustrates as well and I go back to DuckDuckGo. I’ve not looked at kagi. Typically I’m going to the same sites all the time or typing in a website with a guess. Or asking a question with a couple key words. I use Adblock. It’s fine. I hate Firefox. I used it some back in the day and after a while it shit the bed routinely. Typically I use safari and once in a while chrome when safari is being dumb which is usually when I need to input stuff into a form. regarding the free principles the internet was founded on. I was trying to make a point that those principles were murder long ago for the most part.
  15. i think all the jurors already got doxxed. he is going to intimidate them nonstop. also, his maga chuds will be hell to deal with. it only takes one juror to hang things up right?
  16. meanwhile https://www.texasobserver.org/water-energy-environment-corpus/ full story
  17. Reason as a name would make the child the Reaper of its own rewards.
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