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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. yeah.. she's more of a typical centrist trying say the right things to get elected and attract people. business as usual. trump is a potential end to democracy and destruction of federal institutions that for better or worse make things function somewhat in expected ways here.
  2. Dr Myriam Francois: 'I'm sorry your Amazon packages are delayed... but, genocide, guys' https://news.sky.com/video/dr-myriam-briar-how-dare-we-have-a-conversation-about-trade-when-there-are-children-right-now-being-treated-without-anaesthetic-13054668 easier link on youtube but won't embed. https://youtu.be/AEBxqO1u-Q8?si=GLa1fE9DwvBjPJNe she's mostly funded by the Koch brothers. she sucks. would be less embarrassing that trump would would probably still gobble cock and balls of the 2025 plan from the heritage foundation.
  3. saw story today out of Oxfam... https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/11/gaza-daily-deaths-exceed-all-other-major-conflicts-in-21st-century-oxfam Britain-based charity Oxfam said on Thursday that the daily death toll of Palestinians in Israel’s war on Gaza surpasses that of any other major conflict in the 21st century, while survivors remain at high risk due to hunger, diseases and cold, as well as ongoing Israeli bombardments.
  4. her stock is falling in my eyes.. she showed up on russel brands podcast. ugh. tin foil hat hook line sinker.
  5. i remember seeing that the gig here for be up a hello was postponed when the pandemic started.. i had hopes still then.. it was cancelled. i hope again for opportunity to buy a ticket to hear all this in a big room w/a bunch of other people and feel like i'm in the right place. i hope so. he's been here before and i missed it. sigh. so, i was so ready for the BUAH gig. would've been ace. if he comes back i'll hitting refresh until the tix go on sale. @Hugh Mughnus yeah.. wtf. fuck the pandemic for all the reasons. BUAH gig would've been mental.
  6. jfc. life is a rollercoaster in hell. https://news.sky.com/story/women-and-girls-in-gaza-using-scraps-of-tent-material-in-place-of-period-products-13053083 Pregnant women are having C-sections without anaesthetic while others are forced to use scraps of tents in place of period products, aid workers say.
  7. fuck! i am so happy about this. edit: i'm so glad i'm not dead.
  8. sounds like the jumping off point is that DJ set he did for the warp thing.. this is good news. looking forward to full on mode.
  9. did my taxes. edit: bathroom sink is clogged
  10. ian bremmer eurasia group came out w/their annual top 10 risks for the world and #1 is USA vs Itself. time stamped. gives his reasoning which is obvious but well framed here. Chris hedges has a good conversation regarding trump’s second run. this is from a couple months ago. Focused on this guys book. Pretty interesting analysis of how much darker he’s gotten with the conspiracy stuff.
  11. have heard of people testing locally and letting a dealer know to fuck off because fentanyl showed up in tests. so, there must be a way. if not dancesafe then something.
  12. so fuckt. dancesafe offers test strips for fentanyl. essential in the USA i think. https://dancesafe.org/fentanyl/
  13. RIP. bummer. edit: doh! already posted in the thread up there damn. seems like maybe some kind of accident but no details.. he didn't go alone. He died in January 2024 at only 47 years old alongside his partner Simone Ling and collaborator Luis Vasquez of the band The Soft Moon, as confirmed by his label. https://wealthypeeps.com/silent-servant-death-cause-and-obituary/
  14. kinda weird to come out and say "we don't need you women because people of color" or is it just me who thinks that's weird? not like the right isn't al about enforcing the patriarchy. regardless, doesn't change my thoughts about that asshat.
  15. yeah.. knew it was going to that place. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has informed the United States that he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of any postwar scenario. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israeli-strike-kills-16-in-southern-gaza-palestinians-say-status-on-medicine-delivered-to-hamas-hostages-unknown
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