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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. sweet time to pile on you republican fucks. they truly want us all dead. next SCOTUS term is in October. so, if they do away w/the ACA look for my Go Fund ME post to pay for my cancer drug.
  2. https://eand.co/the-red-states-of-coronavirus-b432ef7ed9d0
  3. ^^^ and that message comes from the top down https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/06/larry-kudlow-americans-just-have-to-live-with-covid-19.html -- Well, I keep seeing statements to the effect that Americans were too impatient to stay the course, too unwilling to act responsibly. But this is deeply misleading, because it avoids confronting the essence of the problem. Americans didn’t fail the Covid-19 test; Republicans did. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/25/opinion/coronavirus-republicans.html -- "4 California counties behind spike in Covid19 hospitalizations" - apparently they're republican enclaves https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-24/4-suburban-california-counties-behind-dangerous-spike-in-covid-19-hospitalizations
  4. i don't think everyone asked for it.. it was definitely sold to americans by politicians though. and certainly lot's of people came around to thinking it was all a very good idea because law and order blah blah blah.. but i'm sure if black people were asked about it back then they'd have a different opinion to the 'silent majority' or whatever we want to call it. it was a big part of the party platforms.
  5. China going hard in africa. economic imperialism. resource snatching etc. not like american/british/EU companies haven't done that over there. china is investing yuge and bigly there. i've read some stuff here and there over the years about terrible racism in china and chinese entitlement when they travel etc but haven't really done a deep dive on that. anyway.. how'd BLM thread get to china stuff?
  6. oh that's interesting. i had no idea. it makes sense though for serious trauma cases to get zapped and disassociate from reality. in instances where the person recovers i wonder if it helps with PTSD since the brain gets immediately yeeted and perhaps the trauma doesn't set in the memory too hard. I know they were doing studies some years ago with Versed as a means to help people who experience trauma since it basically wipes the brain for a sec and the person doesn't recall all the details of their trauma.. i guess that's a double edged sword. i've read some stuff about micro dosing ketamine as a treatment for various things but i thought that was as far as K use went these days other than cat raves.
  7. same. grew up i miami. in the early 90s it seemed like it started getting hotter and hotter every year. i couldn't take it anymore. now when i visit.. ugh.
  8. fug. hope you find them soon stop, breath deep for a minute. big breaths.. change your thoughts to something calming for a minute..
  9. indeed. america is full up of serious things to confront. if we manage to defeat trump and get him out of office there will be so much to unwind.. EPA, SEC, FCC and on and on.. if biden wins i hope he and his people are up for it and hit the ground running because amidst everything there's real steps toward climate change mitigation that we'll need to push or everythign else is just the band playing as the titanic sinks. but yeah..
  10. i'm so grateful lot's of people wearing masks here. the grocery store i go to is limiting entrance so the store doesn't get crowded and they require a mask to enter and are sterilizing all the carts continuously. no lines allowed at the checkout. staging is distanced while waiting to be called to the cashier. takes a lot of stress out of the process. convenience store workers wearing masks here. not complaining at least not the store i go to. there's plexiglass shields everywhere now.
  11. yeah.. agreed. it's super fucked and that pendulum swings both (all) ways. mobs of vigilante justice has a snowball like trajectory some times and that's how things like Tulsa massacre happened. all the more reason people need to see the gov't as being proactive with police reform and listening to civilians and responding to communities. that being said my first thought was the missing children in atlanta back in the day which was portrayed in season 2 of MindHunters show on netflix. lot's of missing kids and multiple pedophile rings and no one getting down to business to sort it out. if that happened today i can't imagine the outcome.
  12. oh right... that's why.. ‘we are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them fucking ni—–. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.’ “Officer Piner then explained to Cpl. Moore that he felt society needed a civil war to ‘wipe ’em off the fucking map. That’ll put ’em back about four or five generations.'" https://portcitydaily.com/local-news/2020/06/24/fired-wilmington-cop-we-are-just-going-to-go-out-and-start-slaughtering-them-f-ni-i-cant-wait-god-i-cant-wait-free-read/ page is currently getting slammed so might not load. here's another https://www.wect.com/2020/06/24/live-wilmington-police-department-holding-news-conference-today/ have seen this statement going around in different formats.
  13. yeah i read that in another article as well.. actually it was unknown what they'd injected him with.. or unreported. I was unaware that paramedics had Ketamine in their kits. i didn't think it was used on people much anymore or at all except in very specific circumstances. it is a clusterfuck that seems could've been avoided.
  14. that was cool. nice VFX etc. I've seen rick & morty a few times so i can explain it to you if you like.
  15. this shit is crazy and and i just don't understand it.
  16. saw a story the other day about local health officials resigning because of this kind of stupidity. they're getting doxxed by alt right idiots saying 5g blah blah blah.. and getting threats for doing their jobs and giving health advice to local leaders. these people should have their technology taken away.. no phone, no tv, no computer.. for 6 months to detox then if they can't prove themselves to have basic common sense they get dropped in a swamp.
  17. they'd just go fully underground.. be secret like NSA or something. "oh sure we'll self abolish" and the budget would still be there every year but they wouldn't report to anyone.
  18. state of NY is mandating quarantine for travelers coming in from certain states.
  19. ICE should definitely be returned to its former role/status/name as US Immigration and Naturalization Service.
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