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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. 2020 keeps one upping itself. just when i think "this shit is weird" it gets weirder.. i mean.. how many times is shit gonna go over a cliff?
  2. wow. this is a pretty big thing to float. i wonder if this is the scare the base into action or some reverse psychology 8th dimensional chess or wtf https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/trump-2020-us-election-drop-out-fox-news-republican-a9592036.html Donald Trump may drop out of the 2020 presidential race if he believes he has no chance of winning, a Republican Party operative reportedly told Fox News.
  3. don't forget he prepped people for him losing in 2016.. he even said the election he won was rigged. so, he's possibly just creating the narrative so he can save face w/his base if he loses (fingers crossed) and then have a whole lot of bullshit to spew on whatever his new cable network is.
  4. pelosi has requested info from the relevant intelligence services. apparently trump knew about it when he was pushing for russia to be added to the G8 and also when he spoke at west point graduation.
  5. trying to fix this track and it's turning into the dog's dinner which is what happened with the previous track.
  6. just read a tweet about florida and someone said trump is gonna dump pence for de' santis (florida governor) and this may happen if pence keeps telling people to wear masks.
  7. it's the misinformation for sure. the 'alternate facts' and all the crazy shit on the internet getting gobbled up. it's certainly possible that tech companies like facebook could become proactive in manipulation for their own agendas and usurp the federal government's authority.. certainly its messaging. media has 'wagged the dog' in the past to start wars and get the feds to do its bidding w/o even knowing.. no reason that can't happen again in a bigger more effective way. seems like the chaos is already in motion.. just needs someone at the helm. if facebook decided to become a media company it could push its own narrative. it'd be complex thing to do and i don't think zuckerberg is smart enough but who's to say they already aren't populating parts of it w/their narrative? trump is just a symptom. he certainly dragged a lot idiots and racists out the woodwork but that's been done before.
  8. probably spite about a lot of things but also probably an opportunity to make some $$$$$ and up his profile. I do think he went in knowing how it might go and had the book in mind from the start and knew he'd be shitting on all those fools at some point.
  9. all during his campaign leading up to 2016 stories kept popping up about media deals he had cooking for a far right trump network that would live on cable. a platform for him and all his goons to spout all kinds of crazy shit since at the time they were saying foxnews wasn't conservative enough. he apparently had the paperwork ready and deals inked just waiting for the election so they could proceed after he lost to clinton. so, i've no doubt he has some scenarios for win/lose in place. his ego wants to win but i imagine he'd feel more comfortable being free of the presidency so he could do all the dirt he wants and collect on all the favors he's owed after giving away so much during his first term. win or lose his presence and message and message of his insane supporters will be around for a long time. if he loses they will become instant sore losers and will be out protesting everything and anything that doesn't fit in the trump ouvre or racist bullshit and of course anything he speaks out on. he's their god in a way and they will keep worshiping him. it will be a small very loud vocal minority. it's going to take a lot of energy to oppose them and shout down their messaging as ever.. the left/right/progressive etc fight is going to continue on. the election is gonna be nuts.
  10. trump apparently retweeted this and it was up for 17 hours before he was pressured to un-retweet it because of the guy saying "White power!" at about 11 second mark. his tweet said: "Thank you to the great people of The Villages. The Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats will Fall in the Fall. Corrupt Joe [Biden] is shot. See you soon!!!" also, worth mentioning this is a fucking senior village in florida. shit is mental. so divided.
  11. beginning of summer and i'm guessing tooth loss due to meth use with a nice undercurrent of racism and stupidity. really though shit gets a little crazy in summer when the heat starts to bake on people.
  12. the fuck is wrong w/these toothless morons?
  13. tested negative for the rona. all clear for upper endoscopy tuesday. looking forward to being sedated.. in case i have mentioned that everywhere like 10 times a day for the last month.
  14. did everyone get baptized in gamer girl piss today?
  15. and his gung ho campaign to 'liberate iran' and all that kind of shit.
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