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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. "Today in IDM enforcement news BT was choked into unconsciousness at a stutter edits matter protest. A video posted on line shows the electronic music pioneer exclaiming to IDM police "don't you know who i am? i invented the stutter edit! squabble beats is my signature! i wrote 40 pages of code for it when i produced NSYNC!" - we now go to Tom Jenkinson for comment... "FUCK OFF" oh sorry about that.. it appears Tom Jenkinson doesn't want to be bothered with any of this and is totally unaware of the universe in which IDM police exist and thinks you're all idiots rotting your brains with meaningless crap".
  2. _every_ conversation and news story i've read/ heard/seen discusses reallocation of funds and reducing bloated police budgets. the opinion piece you posted is one of a few i've seen that call for outright abolishing police. otherwise there's been a few protestors and far left 'radicals' interviewed who've said they mean 'abolish' when they say defund. right wing media is certainly pushing the defund = abolish message.
  3. i've heard it translated well by lot's of people in the media.. but it's easy to think it means abolish the police which some other people have said. it's why biden said he doesn't support defund the police but then goes on to talk about changing police budgets and having conditions for federal funds and other bullshit that misses that point. 'defund' is going to trigger a lot of people come election time. trump is gonna pound it at the debates i'm sure.
  4. the "noose" they found in the one black nascar driver's garage at that race was reported to actually be a rope w/a loop in it attached to the garage door to pull it down to close it. according to the FBI https://www.thedrive.com/news/34315/fbi-noose-found-in-bubba-wallaces-garage-was-a-door-pull-rope
  5. defund the police is more nuanced.. it isn't about getting rid of police entirely (though i'm sure some people are saying that). it's about reallocating funds so police don't have to be social workers, drug addiction interventionists etc etc.. there's all these specialized units in american police.. task force for gun violence, task force for gangs, and on and on.. and many of them are counter productive and target specific neighborhoods over and over again essentially harassing residents. so, "defund" for many people means return to community policing and use funds to provide support services and treatment and opportunity where there is none. sometimes it's a complex effort and sometimes it's a simple thing like funding after school programs, boys and girls cubs of america, YMCA or whatever.. there's a lot of different things that work in different places. these things would be figured out locally since what works in newark NJ might not work south side of chicago or los angeles. basically the idea is to reach young people and give them hope and opportunity.. provide mental health, drug treatment and on and on.. become a less punitive type of society and actually treat people's and societies problems.. and still having cops there do do cop stuff like investigate robbery, sexual assault and violence.. serve warrants. solve actual crimes. when the cops aren't going around being dicks to people they earn trust and w/the help of a community they can be more effective at policing.
  6. it's hard to say who would be best. i'm not super familiar w/kentucky's landscape. i've watched a bit of coverage here and there but not hard analysis of who would be better in the general election. whoever wins i hope they give moscow mitch a run
  7. haven't had a good night's sleep in ages.. some decent 5 hour solid sleeps or couple hour fits and waking up a lot. feeling wiped. back pain. yesterday managed to ride bike 12 miles but the last 3 or so miles i was bonked. just heard from a friend in miami today that he tested positive for covid. he's been sick a week. so far said it's like a sinus infection. he has a pulse oximeter and his O2 sats are fine so that's good.
  8. i watched Get Me Roger Stone last night jesus what a fucking scumbag. classic dirty guru political operative. not denying he has a talent for it but fuck.. what a dick. it's all pretty obvious and transparent but what a toxic presence.
  9. did i post this here already??? if you 'open link in new tab' you get the audio and her voice just makes it.
  10. Nixon specifically started the war on drugs as a way to target black people. one hand definitely knew what the other hand was doing.. these consequences were always intended.
  11. https://www.courthousenews.com/spectacularly-backfired-prosecutors-firing-sparks-rebellion-at-sdny/
  12. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/241674007 Anonymous ID:nQzQS2i3 Thu 30 Jan 2020 18:42:29 No.241674181 Report Quoted By: >>241696077 In the coming months the disease is going to be sustaining infections globally including sustained local infections in virtually every major metropolitan center on earth by late May. US CDC and WHO are both projecting anywhere from 60,000 to 2 million deaths by early summer. Again, they are downplaying this because 2 million is not considered to be a lot of people, but that's under their assumption that they can stall the infections in every major urban zone. Now for the bad part. They are expecting this thing to mutate further. Those results from the Australian lab are not good. This virus has a very high propensity to mutate into a highly lethal form and WHO is predicting a fairly probable likelihood that if it reaches certain bat populations in Brazil that it can jump to a 15% lethality rate. That means that the minute you hear about Rio or Brasilia or wherever reporting cases you need to immediately make sure you've got a month worth of supplies because it's going to start killing many millions of people. So far as people like WHO are concerned who deal with numbers like that all the time this isn't major and they're more concerned about lying to you that everything is not that bad because their calculus is that more people will die from refusing to seek medical treatment for anything from cancer to heart disease or other illnesses from hysteria over getting infected with this nCoV.
  13. many people will argue that the entire criminal justice system is racist. i wouldn't disagree w/that personally. sure there's been lot's of progress but still a long long long way to go imo. "historical consequences of past racism" is just splitting hairs really.. call it whatever you want. we've yet to overcome those consequences as a culture and society. you don't have to look far to find many instances of racist policies being carried out by government departments. it's not long ago there were 'sundown' laws in lot's of places that made it illegal for black people or chinese people etc to be out after sun down.
  14. oh shit.. i remember that post. wtf. brazil is in a really sad place w/the covid. dire.
  15. i like how the one guy's voice turns into Ahhnuld Shwaarrzeger when says 'ionization'.
  16. she deleted the tweet after getting flamed to fuck.. youtube clip below. thanks @Gocab
  17. https://artmusictech.libsyn.com/podcast-304-william-fields
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