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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. it's the classic "no one really knows"
  2. they're almost extinct already. if fuckers would've left them alone long ago mayhaps they'd not some kind of perceived virus hazard or whatever the fuck is going on. also (probably obvious to many people but): Some social distancing may be needed until 2022, Harvard study finds https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/04/15/world/social-distancing-2022-harvard-study/#.XpaUWi2ZNTY
  3. i've watched it a few times. once intently and other times while doing other stuff like editing samples and shit. i love that show for the mood, the music and i like all the characters.
  4. watched this recently and wtf. big praise to tenacious defense attorneys. re: tales from the loop - very pretty kinda serene childlike things.. fables even.. also wtf the big sad! i liked it.
  5. i thought this had something to do w/autechre being disappointed with Scorn.
  6. mcmahon who runs the WWE just dumped like $18 million into trump's re-election campaign
  7. Omg. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/04/florida-governor-desantis-wwe-professional-wrestling-essential-conoravirus-service.html Florida Governor Expands Pandemic Essential Services to Include Professional Wrestling
  8. in america it's also because fewer and fewer people trust official sources or government sources. richard nixon was the death of that for a lot of people. there's always been people who didn't buy the official story of this or that and didn't have faith in the government but since then and kennedy being assassinated it's more mainstream to doubt. coupled with massive media manipulation and modern techniques for persuasion and that becoming a science for advertising and changing/manipulating behavior what we have is well. what we have. add the internet and conspiracy gossip channels and the truth loses its potency. also intellectual laziness. people find the delusion of the conspiracy to be more entertaining and people want to be entertained. not to mention they want to feel special like they have the secret knowledge or understanding.
  9. 5 years or so. i'd have done it longer but 9/11 happened and the 6 months of lock outs the studio had booked were cancelled. so i hustled on my own for a while but ended up finding a 9-5 job w/benefits for decent pay which was less stressful. freelance life can be a real stressor and for audio stuff is a hustle you have to stay on top of which didn't suit me. it's funny.. right when i got the 9-5 job the phone rang for a gig that would've been a level up type scenario but by then i was over it and had already mentally moved on. i learned a lot and worked w/some really great and talented people... but also the flip side of that.
  10. so much is a head fuck right? i mean.. half of it is just knowing you can do it and surrendering to the facts. i don't sing or play an instrument in any conventional way but being on the engineer side of it i've recorded some singers and pretty much every session i'd tell the singer.. rapper whoever.. that "we're just going to set levels and do a rough take so don't worry about being perfect" and i'd always put the machine into record and not tell them because sometimes it'd be the best take.
  11. singing is hard. cheat! there's software for fixing things. one producer i worked with would give this one singer a couple shots of nice tequila.. anejo i think it was.. and let her smoke a cigarette or two to warm up. i think mostly she loosened up and would sing out in a less self conscious way.
  12. The seed is planted in trumps shit brain for firing Fauci https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/us/politics/trump-fauci-coronavirus.html
  13. "the federal stock pile isn't for the states.. it's for 'us' and the states can fend for themselves and outbid each other for supplies from the private sector because honestly i don't really understand the role of the federal government nor do i know how it works. really i'm already bored of this situation. it's not entertaining at all and i'd rather play golf, speak at my rallies and run the media around in circles by saying stupid shit. someone hand me a big mac." - Donald Trump, probably.
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