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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. some american idiot in congress said "gaza should be treated like hiroshima and nagasaki"
  2. i will pray against me so your prayers will be cancelled out.
  3. on instagram story about protests in isreal someone posted a comment... something like "you cannot build your paradise on the bodies of children. god will destroy the oppressors!" so i had to reply "there is no god" and leave. just couldn't not take a dump in the chat.
  4. yeah.. true.. the text in images thing i'm aware of.. i disable siri except on my phone so i can set timers when i'm cooking or whatever. otherwise i don't interact with and have never had it turned on on the laptop. transcribing audio is dope though. then you can multi-language anything for subtitles if it's accurate. so, youtubers can expand their audience. woohoo. the Ai narrators sound weird to me though. i expect a mixed bag of "neat/novel vs useful"
  5. i listened to it on bandcamp the other day.. or yesterday.. i can't remember.. but i liked it. wishlisted and will grab it eventually. really nice tracks that drew me in. i don't have any of her other stuff. but i let this play and was into it
  6. just updated to 14.4.1 and it's fine. i know 14.4 had problems w/logic/au plug ins.. broken. but they fixed it so i jumped. .i try to stay one OS behind and likely they'll announce MacOS 15 in june.. i hope they have the Ai able to be pushed into back ground out of the way. i see windows laptops advertised with built in Ai but i don't know if it's windows thing or some 3rd party bloated bullshit that comes with windows laptops. I might buy an old lenovo thinkpad to run CDP.. i have a windows XP laptop but it cannot be upgraded beyond XP.. CDP doesn't support XP.. might try to force the install and see what happens. anyway, this Ai trend in operating systems is looking pretty fucking hyped up and stupid.. just marketing bullshit. different companies trying to keep up w/each other.
  7. rumor is that Ai will be part of next MacOS and iOS updates. fucking shrug.
  8. with love and care, make a similar song to tt1pd but subtract woodpecker sound 50% of the time. send message to planet autechre to ask them to please invade earth. make sure everyone is totally fuckable and has rad hair or a cool hat.
  9. he needs to mix some mushrooms in to his ketamine treatments. no one is going to mars for at least 100 years. if ever. if all the stored knowledge is lost after the catastrophe of climate collapse humans will be luck to build any kind of tech.
  10. if he does the entire 25 it seems fair since he'll probably go crazy in there. also, a prison in america for that long while climate change is happening is going to absolute hell towards the end when prisons are the lowest thing on the priority list for federal and state governments. such as it is. but whatever. i mean.. if he was treated on a proportional scale where sentences are handed out based on dollar amounts, who and how people were taking advantage of etc then it's probably not long enough since some dude who stole a tv from a local shop in 1970 is probably still in jail somewhere because he's black. i hope this starts a trend of real jail time for financial crimes. having some actual laws in places and enforcing them would be nice but the banks do whatever the fuck they want and only get fines if that. edit: read that the prosecutors were asking for 40-50 years prison time. he got roughly half what they were asking. apparently he's not handled the jail time up to now very well. 40-50 years doesn't seem out of line as a sentence.. but neither does 25. really. in 25 years is anyone going to remember this guy? i hope he serves all that time and doesn't get some parole in 7 years or commuted sentence by a future president. he seems aloof and unaware of being a criminal and instead has said "mistakes were made" but didn't ever take responsibility for his shit show. he got more time than michael milken who got ten years. he was pardoned by trump. milken is still worth billions, was banned from trading etc.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Milken wtf. such a shit show.
  11. tha back story is it's 2 polish guys who were trying to solve the issue of badly dubbed movies they watched as kids but some how made this... i suspect it'll be helpful for those lower budget projects where there's one person who does ALL the audio for the whole thing.. records, holds the boom, edits dialogue, edits the SFX and music and mixes it all. but i can't see major budget films not having all the audio personnel on board to give the movie an audio "personality". but you can bet lot's of working audio people will lose work to this.. the working class people who make effects for someone's GFX demo real and that kind of thing.. plus i'm sure someone will sit at the prompt generator thing and just make a million sounds and that's be that. it'll be like "fiver" where you can pay someone peanuts somewhere like india or china or thailand or wherever they are to do a thing for cheap on line.
  12. Say Goodbye to Sound Designers. Meet ElevenLabs’ New AI-Generated SFX https://ymcinema.com/2024/03/26/say-goodbye-to-sound-designers-meet-elevenlabs-new-ai-generated-sfx/ This is like Sora for sound effects. ElevenLabs has introduced its new revolutionary Text-to-SFX model, which can generate precise and professional sound effects from a prompt. Say goodbye to sound designers. This new Text-to-SFX model can eliminate the need for sound designers, mainly in middle-sized projects (documentaries, commercials, and short films). This is very sad. The income of a whole market segment of creative professionals is in danger. In two years or so, entire commercials (from head to toe) will be generated by a simple text prompt. - - - - - - And a different kind of Ai coverage. science and tech.. from predicting disasters, tracking fires etc to .. all the things. Can we harness the power of artificial intelligence to solve the world’s most challenging problems without creating an uncontrollable force that ultimately destroys us? ChatGPT and other new A.I. tools can now answer complex questions, write essays, and generate realistic-looking images in a matter of seconds. They can even pass a lawyer’s bar exam. Should we celebrate? Or worry? Or both? Correspondent Miles O’Brien investigates how researchers are trying to transform the world using A.I., hunting for big solutions in fields from medicine to climate change.
  13. this guy... info-tainment. edit: added this one from a couple years ago as he calls out the bullshit so well.. all the bullshit presented by economists.. he rips it all apart.
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