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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. 2024 went bad for me when it was still 2023. if nothing else goes bad it already sucks hard. edit - [Narrator's voice] - and something else did go bad.
  2. yeah.. good points. putin can't be trusted.
  3. weapons contractors on each shoulder whispering "do it.. just do it" in US/UK administration's ears.
  4. lmao. who's gonna pay for that? it'd be like buying a broken boat. https://ra.co/news/80033
  5. have found my way to a few of those as well. the algorithm seems to bump them all if you watch a few from any one channel.
  6. shit. death is coming for the Caddyshack people.
  7. it's gonna be nuts. and i think the media is going suck its own dick constantly while simultaneously shitting the bed. twitter, facebook etc.. can't even imagine what new levels of hell they'll turn into. edit: the problem w/that video is the satire is too subtle for MAGA crowd who will watch it and think it's a sincere ad that supports trump. also, apparently trump posted that on his truth social account?
  8. this guy has a lot of esoteric stuff on his channel called esoterica. wide range of things
  9. Ai bit is at 50:45 or so.. a bit tinfoil hat but probably what ya get from a book written in part by henry kissinger edit: so after watching one podcast that interviewed her 3 or 4 more popped up where she goes on about these ideas and bitcoin and banking and other stuff. pretty interesting, a bit paranoid, cynical maybe but maybe not.. we'll see.. also points to a pretty hardcore dystopian future.. and she's all in on that future image and lives in Chile.
  10. there's a lot of stories about epstein. a lot of people have been to his place for one reason or another.. sounds a lot of it was curiosity and opportunity.
  11. so, this discussion is really illuminating and clears up a big part of the system of the world and how we got here w/the petro dollar etc.. good financial history lesson. it's quite fascinating and is only stuff i was vaguely aware of. the consequences of all this are pretty clear.. i'm about an hour into it. a lot to think over. this guy being interviewed is a strategist for the human rights foundation. "how exploitation is sold as development" etc.
  12. sean hannity moved to florida. if we can get them all there we can cut florida off from the country. Sean Hannity announces move from New York to ‘free state of Florida’ https://nypost.com/2024/01/03/news/sean-hannity-announces-move-from-new-york-to-florida/
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