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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i imagine many answers would be something like "i talked about this already in the other AMA streams.. go watch those".. maybe next time they're in the same place for awhile they can do a quick few hours w/both answering questions. the rob reveal series. "tell us all the stereo imaging tricks rob! pls?"
  2. speaking of math.. it takes more energy to store carbon in carbon capture systems than was used in creating the carbon to be stored.. and of course is more cost effective efficient etc to replace fossil energy with different sources.
  3. your own music that you're producing? or just music in general? typically if something i'm making sounds chaotic it's because my mix is shit and needs organizing/attention.. or maybe there's just too much in it and i should drop some parts. this dude used to record album projects for weeks at the studio i worked at in san diego and he'd have these great ideas and amazing parts then bury them under layers of instrumentation and the good idea would vanish.. covered in new age world music goop. i'd always get kind of bummed because he'd be like "we're using every channel in the console for mix down and 2 24 track tape machines" like that in itself made it impressive.. which it was but only for the engineer who was super talented and made it all work. i always wanted to take his tapes and do a remix when he wasn't around and just strip half the parts out of it and make bare bones. i just drank coffee so am typing too much.
  4. oof. bummer. change your diet might help depending on cause of course. hope you can get a handle on it. chronic pain fucking sucks.
  5. for real. “We need to become mindful of the way we’re being manipulated,” says Merz, who is co-founder of the Merz Institute, an organisation that researches the systemic causes of the climate crisis and how to tackle them.
  6. someone during an interview sort of mentioned off hand about "victims can become perpetrators". almost as if a road map gets built in some people's brains. "never again" becomes only about that one group. i posted this earlier in the thread somewhere but it's directly relevant especially when she tells the story about the holocaust survivor being shouted down.. the whole thing is so maddening.
  7. OPENAI QUIETLY DELETES BAN ON USING CHATGPT FOR “MILITARY AND WARFARE” The Pentagon has its eye on the leading AI company, which this week softened its ban on military use. https://theintercept.com/2024/01/12/open-ai-military-ban-chatgpt/
  8. Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee said on a right-wing podcast in December that blackmail would explain some of his colleagues’ votes. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tim-burchett-stands-by-allegation-members-blackmailed_n_65a1bd3fe4b06444b222dee3 On “The Benny Show” podcast, hosted by Benny Johnson, Burchett said, without pointing to specific evidence or names, that powerful people protect their own interests by blackmail. “The old honey pot. The Russians do that. And I’m sure members of Congress have been caught up. Why in the world would good conservatives vote for crazy stuff like what we’ve been seeing out of Congress?” he asked. edit: also. someone probably thinks this is a good idea and not satire.
  9. edit: do you have any baby pictures of yourself? send her a vintage dick pic
  10. got a couple download codes for this first come first serve https://patternedmedia.bandcamp.com/yum dnw2-6rjl saja-kl9e
  11. i think it's worse now. exponential rate of decline. biomass is generally pretty fucked up these days. 75% decline in insect biomass according to this guy.
  12. there's some recent history about Chamberlain going for appeasement so the british could have time to build up an army and get ready for the fight.. but i've only seen that in one place.. essentially saying he wanted to buy time for england and a year would make all the difference. i'm sure there's still a debate about all that though. one of the hilarious things about the french is after ww1 they built the 'maginot line' along the entire border w/germany. it was sophisticated and supposed to be tough to defeat but was weak in places and so the nazis just went around the difficult parts and went through the weaker sections and the maginot line was essentially useless. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maginot_Line
  13. "Hi. I'm Rand Paul. 99 out of 100 times i will shit the bed on whatever issue is currently in front of me"
  14. some of this is a bit tinfoil hat for me and goes back to the old conspiracy idea of digital money and the "they" who control everything turning off your money if you act up.. but other parts of it make sense. she has written about bitcoin and imagines a pretty dark dystopia and has left the country and moved to chile w/her kids. still.. some interesting takes about any mainstream financial apparatus endorsing bitcoin.
  15. yeah. totally. it's why i asked about the date of the quote. early on a picture of hitler wasn't fixed in everyone's minds either because they just didn't know enough or weren't paying attention. it was a different world. they couldn't tap into the internet and hear/read everything hitler ever said. but whatever they knew i think they thought he sucked but how much does he suck? we'll see.. is he all talk or is he going to do some shit? it soon became obvious how bad he sucked and most people got on the right side of that.. eventually. america didn't for a while. there were complex reasons for the general population to be wary of another European war. but eventually FDR was able to convince people with some help from the japanese.
  16. It just sounds like he was saying “who knows what will actually happen” based on previous experience of someone saying one thing and doing another. That’s a thing that happens in history. Context is important. “This person seems terrible but we don’t know who he really is yet or how things will pan out” is a common thing to say. But yes indeed there were plenty of people wary of hitler who had a better sense of smell for who he was. It took some people a little longer to catch the foul wind.
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