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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. so glad they cameback w/multiple guilty counts. and theres 10 charges they couldn't reach a verdict on. nuts.. and that fuck was denied bond so he won't get out to live at home until sentencing. fuck him. and there's a whole other trial w/multiple charges.. hoping they start to tumble like dominoes. it'll be a nice silver lining as we all drown from the rising seas.
  2. ^^^^^^ fug. i think you can turn off your garage door opener or disable it or something.
  3. 4 days until my shiz is here. bring mail carrier.. bring me that 12 slabs of wax.
  4. nice insights and analysis. thanks for the link. agree about the 12:30 and 13:30.
  5. Listened to Exai yesterday. First time in a while. Been stuck in elseq and NTS land. Exai is so fucking good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. have to go get fitted for a tuxedo this evening.. for a wedding.. because i'm special and being "honored" by the bride so tortured. will have to wear the tux. no way out of it apparently. also will cost $200 .. also, i am flying across the country for the wedding. thanks for the honor!
  7. I've been hesitant to give The Leftovers a chance - worried about Lindelof's capability to follow through on interesting ideas (see end of Lost, Prometheus, etc.). Does the series fulfill its promise? (like, generally - I've stayed pretty far away from spoilers b/c I know the fun of a show like this is NOT knowing too much) It’s perfect imo. I like the darkness of it and the dark humor. It’s definitely a story the viewer is trying to figure out but so are the characters. So it feels right. Good storytelling. Original. Weird. Has lynch like moments. 3 seasons is perfect length for it. Perfect arc. It’s a story that makes me forget the present. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Justified is solid. Currently rewatching The Leftovers. Will probably watch Barry asap. Too many things really. Maybe after a season or two of some other stuff I’ll jump in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. lol.. maybe this date formating thing needs its own thread.
  10. order dispatched :) aug 23rd expected delivery.
  11. dude, while she's sleeping... with a pillow. just change your wifi password and don't tell her. she'll leave
  12. "i've played some video games" - (sad) fucking legend. that barrel roll.
  13. Frustrated music making. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. If he was I’d go shit on his lawn. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. The nazi eagle on the neck makes it more likely that this is a nazi instead of some sniper BS. Is the SS arm photo even from those guys? Doesn't seem to be at first blush but I sure haven't researched it beyond looking at the photos y'all posted already. the one dude is from portland and is well known nazi shitbag here.
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