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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. he's one of us.. we are all the same. we are all connected. the fart is universal. this could be fully understood in any place in the world. fart is funny. fart is freedom. fart is the unity we all seek.
  2. Bottom right corner of the "pleaded guilty" square - Richard Pinedo has clearly been working on his ICBYD smile... possibly working on stealing RDJ's identity gauging from his credentials and charges. Looks like he came pretty close too. How deep does the rabbit hole go? Duuude, George Papadopolis was a character on the the 80's sitcom Webster - the titular Webster's adoptive dad, a former pro football player played by actual former pro football player Alex Karras. It was a complete rip of Diff'rent Strokes (black youth, played adopted by rich white ppl, said youth played by little person) but I member watching it anyway. At this point the creator of this simulation is just fucking with us. you mean Mongo?
  3. “Brain damage” yes obviously they were all vaccinated Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. i think it's all going to come down to money laundering and moving funds around and doing illegal shit and they'll trace payments to russia and hackers or something like that. they will find whatever dirt there is but they have to look lot's of places and reel it in. they'll find something linking a business deal in russia or the pee tape. in just beginning this investigation they got all kinds access to things and turned over a lot of rocks.. each rock is a dot to connect that leads to the next rock.. it's why they turned over some charges to state of NY instead of following through w/prosecution on their own. what they're finding out is there is a web of corruption and the president is involved w/an surrounded by a criminal enterprise. this in itself compromises him. once they figure out how deeply he's compromised they can pul that thread. there's a larger strategy at work. turn over lot's of rocks and find connect all the dots. the dirt is there. we all know it is. everything the security agencies pointed to warrants an investigation right? edit: oh an obstruction. the cover up is what always gets them.
  5. spotify is like doing it for 'the exposure'. i wonder if warp negotiated a good deal for their catalog?
  6. ignatius

    Now Reading

    i liked the movie for inherent vice but i may be the only one.. i should check out the book and vineland too. y to read pile is fucking massive lately.
  7. FLOL https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/trump-ever-got-impeached-think-market-crash-120503051.html
  8. ICE is fucked up. needs total overhaul and needs its name changed back to what it was pre-ICE.... INS - immigration and naturalization service. as it is now they're the fucking gestapo w/their tactics. abolishing the dems and repubs might sound good but w/in those groups there's a wide range of opinions. they're not a monnolithic cult though at times behave like one. on local and state levels it's much different and more representative of the local population.. usually. but whatever... we're all just a splat on the windshield.. climate change is gonna disrupt it all and wash/burn it clean. learn to swim people.. and eat fucking rocks.. learn to swim.. and eat rocks.
  9. yeah.. it's fucking hot and the air is thick w/bullshit. gotta say... it was worse when i lived in san diego. the one year the fires were bad during the santa ana winds.. it was raining ash for a week. could look right at the sun all day long. it was brown. had to use my windshield wipers when driving because the fucking ash. but this shit hanging around here in portland is fucked. it just sits. i think tomorrow it's supposed to clear out or at least start to clear out. air quality is 3rd worst in the world currently. or some fucking shit show. fucking rain please.
  10. so glad they cameback w/multiple guilty counts. and theres 10 charges they couldn't reach a verdict on. nuts.. and that fuck was denied bond so he won't get out to live at home until sentencing. fuck him. and there's a whole other trial w/multiple charges.. hoping they start to tumble like dominoes. it'll be a nice silver lining as we all drown from the rising seas.
  11. ^^^^^^ fug. i think you can turn off your garage door opener or disable it or something.
  12. 4 days until my shiz is here. bring mail carrier.. bring me that 12 slabs of wax.
  13. nice insights and analysis. thanks for the link. agree about the 12:30 and 13:30.
  14. Listened to Exai yesterday. First time in a while. Been stuck in elseq and NTS land. Exai is so fucking good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. have to go get fitted for a tuxedo this evening.. for a wedding.. because i'm special and being "honored" by the bride so tortured. will have to wear the tux. no way out of it apparently. also will cost $200 .. also, i am flying across the country for the wedding. thanks for the honor!
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