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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. and they added charges of witness tampering. he's fucked.
  2. that's where all the bungee jumping skydiving jet boating happens right? there's a tiny walk up coffee counter there run by a guy who will make sure to tell you about his coffee training safari in italy or whatever it's called and he'll make sure to tell you starbucks is shit as if anyone who's had good coffee doesn't know that already. he was the pinnacle of coffee hipster fascism. we those types here in portland too. QLD is the heartland for our ignorant, reactionary, racist types. like the Australian equivalent of, say, some choice bits of the dirty south in the US. it by no means has a monopoly on such sentiments, there's plenty of it to go around in Australia, but an exceptional amount of it emanates from that state. you start to notice a pattern after a while. FFS i'm an idiot.. i'm thinking of kiwi land.. New Zealand. wtf. i should stay off the internet until i can avoid shitting the bed on forums.
  3. that's where all the bungee jumping skydiving jet boating happens right? there's a tiny walk up coffee counter there run by a guy who will make sure to tell you about his coffee training safari in italy or whatever it's called and he'll make sure to tell you starbucks is shit as if anyone who's had good coffee doesn't know that already. he was the pinnacle of coffee hipster fascism. we those types here in portland too.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzFFK2dXgXg
  5. life pro tip: in the absence of pyrokinesis just poop into yrou hand and smear it on stuff
  6. add a screen cap of the creation of the doc in windows explorer when released lol. no one cares anyways. also, i thought i posted this in the FWP thread. double fucked.
  7. rolling stone mid year round up? https://www.rollingstone.com/music/lists/50-best-albums-of-2018-so-far-w520424/autechre-nts-sessions-1-4-w521112
  8. mixing a track i recorded from the modular back in december and it sounds like some NTS rip off shit and i know i'm gonna get the "you just tryna do autechre music" thing as feedback.. "but it's pre NTS the date is right there in the title and no one sounds like autechre so chut up" tiny violin. cry me a river. so it goes. edit: thought this was the FWP thread. derpin
  9. it doesn't make me feel any better :( every place has its problems but the right wing fascist movement has been growing all over the world. i hope as a world, we can beat it back into the dirt again. edit: nationalism is a dangerous thing and here especially because we have some idiots in congress and a big fat machine that does what its told and drops bombs and runs blockades etc. globalism is a mixed bacg but seems in the long run might be the best bet.. it's hugely exploitative for capitalists because it seeks the cheapest labor pool but it also breaks down borders and brings some common understanding and forces change.. for better or worse sometimes.. it's hard to say.. there's plenty of examples of good and bad.. part of me thinks, as someone said here, that this thing w/NK is all about finding a cheaper source of labor to make iphones or whatever now that china is building a middle class and at some point will not want to be treated like shit for little money... but hey.. a bunch of dedicated brainwashed scared shitless of the dictator masses who see working hard in a factory for nothing as a way forward for their country might be just the ticket for some capitalists looking to expand and exploit.. but as said before.. i'm guessing south korea would have much to say about this and will have its say yet regardless.
  10. that's the optimistic bend on things.. the damage that's being done is setting back the USA in all kinds of ways. not to mention the domestic policies and environmental policies. fingers crossed he's just a blip but the consequences are much more than a blip right now for lot's of people.
  11. ^^^yeah.. i'm all for diplomacy.. it's funny though.. scrap the iran deal that had real conditions and inspectors etc but go this way w/KJI i think this meeting was very informal and NK scored lot's of good propaganda and pr stuff at home.. we'll how it pans out. usually, getting face to face and talking can be good. i think trump sees kim jung as a guy he can talk to. he doesn't understand people like macron or trudeau but a dictator is someone he can relate to.
  12. Yep, fake news is reporting brother Vlad has now invited the supreme leader to come to the ruskieland for further worship. Donnie has essentially walked the sweet prince down the aisle, pulling back the veil and validating him to the world... now it seems other suitors are yearning to join in with the new evil axis power demagogue club Donnie has given rise to...NK Russia USA vs. the world? think of it from a real estate perspective... srsly though.. it's reported that Vlad said to donnie "if the US would relax military exercises it would relax kim jung and regulate his behavior." or something like that.. so, the whole thing was Vlad's idea anyways.. lol..
  13. glad it went well. my mom had her thyroid out last year. had a nodule on it that was bigger than the actual thyroid. once they got her med dosage right she evened out now is doing fine. i like the first burial record.. don't care for the 2nd one.. uppy downy pitched vocals make me a little nuts.. i like rival dealers though and some other random stuff of his i picked up. are people hating on his music now? or is it just reaction to pitchfork guy saying it's the best thing since the creation of the sun or whatever he said? fwp - my dog is quick at snatching things out of the grass or bushes to eat when we're out on walks and he snagged something off the sidewalk that looked like a little round berry but could've been a tiny chocolate candy or something so of course i'm ready to ipecac him w/some hydrogen peroxide but he seems fine.. it was probably just bird poop or something.
  14. Should we give him credit for telling them he'd stop the US military drills with South Korea without telling the Pentagon or South Korea without getting anything concrete in return? giving anyone credit is far too soon. NK has backed out on several "deals" before. nothing has happened yet. the document they signed is nothing. there's no substance to it. it's all vague stuff. other presidents could've met w/kim but none of them did because there was nothing to gain and he's a dictator and no one wanted to give him the gift of putting him on the same stage. Kim got what he wanted. he has is nukes, he has missiles.. he doesn't need to test. it's all win for him. he gets made legit by a US president. meanwhile trump goes on praising him for being a smart leader and saying "other people do bad stuff" and lot's of whataboiutisms and talking about real estate opportunities to a guy who's killed his own family members and starved his whole country etc. and remember that he's backed out of lot's of deals. giving trump credit now is too soon. i hope it pans out and goes well for the korean people and the region but i've no trouble calling him out on his bullshit.
  15. "think about it from a real estate perspective" wtf idiot.
  16. you did but you don't anymore? i've no idea wtf is going on there but i did skip chunks of it. i don't feel any strong desire to care.
  17. love that track. wish they'd give us (SELL IT TO ME PLEASE) the soundboards of that set.. fuck it's good.
  18. how bored do i have to be before i get it? bored to death? probably.
  19. the washington one still stands. hasn't been challenged in court yet. the oregon one takes effeect Jan 1st but it's kind week and only bars state agencies form using ISPs that don't adhere to net neutrality rules. basically means can't use a service that provides fast lanes for corporations etc.
  20. i'm just gonna burn a page or two posting every one of these that's worth it
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