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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. SPACE FORCE! SPACE FORCE! SPACE FORCE!!! https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1009598621480902657?s=21 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. where is Robocop when we need him? even his chief of staff is apparently done w/him and saying impeachment is inevitable or so the insider chatter says so.. and that guy is another asshole as well. assholes even can't stand each other. meanwhile trump is having rallies and people are all excited to be near him and hoping to shake his hand. and the news always finds the guy o interview who is head to toe in red white and blue and talking about how his business is up and "they are breaking the law" when asked about kids in cages etc.. "i've been to 11 trump rallies and can't wait to see this one". wtf. mericuh.
  3. i'm indiffffferent to the thai take out i had tonight. usually a solid place to order from but tonight it was all mediocre. my guts still hurt form surgery. when i rollover at night it hurts and wakes me up. anxiety is dumb.
  4. is such shit.. he doesn't have to do anything but order the AG to reverse the policy. but he's going to make a show of "taking action because congress wouldn't get it done" this whole thing is so awful.
  5. ^^^ ya know.. we dropped napalm on the wrong people. the enemy was right here at home.
  6. shit. that's a weird feeling. stay hydrated and stuff.
  7. they ruined her dinner tonight. bunch of protestors went into the restaurant where she was eating and chanted and yelled at her. what's more fucked up is they don't have a plan to reunite these kids w/their parents. absolutely no plan. a lot them will just be lost in the system here in the US. wtf.
  8. receive new set of instructions 1. tuck back the benis. 2. ________________
  9. of course you do. what beer do you drink? a pint of any decent beer is gonna be between 100-200 calories.. so.. drink 3 or 4 of those and whatever calorie battle you're waging is not gonna go in your favor unless you ride/run/walk a lot every day. i lost 10 pounds cycling doing 5-20 miles a day for a while w/o dieting but i was pushing 230 which is as fat as i'd ver been. so shaking that off and the first 10 pounds dropped fast but i didn't lose another pound until i started paying attention to the calories. once i did that i lost 20 more pounds reasonably fast. sites like this work.. https://www.myfitnesspal.com they have an app too. you fill in some details about your weight and how much you want to lose and how fast nad it tells you how many calories to eat every day. it also calculates exercise. so if you go walk for an hour and put that in there it goes in the negative for you. but it's helpful to use one of those kinda things for a few months so you see where your calories are coming from. if you just cut out greasy late night foods, sugars, bad carbs.. you'll lose weight. but the fatter you are the faster you lose it. if you're just trying to lose 20 pounds it's harder to do. but if you're trying to lose 100 pounds you can drop the first 30 pounds in a month easy if you diet and get some kind of regular exercise. also, it's first in last out w/weight loss. it's the weight you gained first that is the last to leave. so, you lose it from your face, arms etc before it really disappears from the gut and love handles.
  10. they'll have to update the geneva convention to include space war so then we know how to do legal gymnastics so USA cna have GITMO in space. perhaps on the moon? space(detention) camp!
  11. thanks for posting that interview! they seem so removed from any kind of scene but also closer to what they do as 'inquisitive' people. it's great they've been able to remain in their own creative headspace and do what they do. "not even a musician." can this be added to 11th most IDM?
  12. "space is a war domain like the sea and the air and the land" "think about it from a real estate perspective"
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