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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. full on crisis there. might as well just throw out the chips.
  2. next time if that happens and you find yourself thinking long about... triple your rate and see if they go for it.. at least then you'll be gouging them for the stress level.. but i agree it's not worth it. when i was first dipping a toe in that world i did some fx/sound design for a demo real for a small studio's graphics deisgn/virtual fx reel and i got some good advice from a guy who told me "at some point you have to cut off the revision requests based on what they're paying you" and in a not so diplomatic way told the studio "you aren't paying me enough to deal with this". that next week i found a urei knob mixer.. the 1602 i think? for $200 and put it on ebay and it sold for $1600 and felt like the universe did me a fren that day. edit: forgot my 1st world prob.. taking a chemo med for 20 days now and the side effects seemed to have started. i guess it builds up in the system for a while? i don't know. maybe i just have the shits.
  3. goes without saying i think it was at the Yamhill Pub which is sort of the king of dive bars downtown. it's pretty old and super salty. googled but only thing that came up was new york! i guess it happens all over because it's usually assholes wearing those hats and that's who typically gets kicked out of bars.
  4. he was being a dick about everything i guess. happened here in portland.
  5. plenty of time for everything to change 10 times. america is super batshit. media is up its own ass and doesn't really know how to deal w/this administration other than the typical partisan talking heads who bang it out night after night for better or worse. today there was a patriot prayer thing in downtown portland so as is normal for this sort of thing there is a counter protest and fights and violence and arrests. unless there's a for real smoking gun and a bunch of republicans get behind the mueller report and impeac trump or convince him to resign or whatever the fuck happens... well, his supporters are not going to let this go down quietly.. the argument that his lawyers are making is that trump can do whatever he wants and fire any special counsel and stop any investigation. he can commit crimes then shut down the investigation into those crimes. authoritarian much? all so he can cover up his money grubbing crimes. blah.. interesting... unless a big fart knocks them all dead... that'd be interesting to though i guess.. and farts are funny.
  6. it's idiotic. a lot of the companies affected are american owned. they have a distributed supply chain to be robust so have their company spread out.. same way ford makes parts and cars all over the world. USA/Canada/Mexico etc. so all it's going to do is fuck up american jobs, hurt our allies and eventually kick up prices for americans.. sounds like something Putin would enjoy watching. it will be interesting indeed. it's an ocean of dumb fuckery we're wading into
  7. well.. that's that... full authoritarian due to an idiot trying to cover up his crimes... https://www.vox.com/2018/6/3/17421300/trumps-interview-subpoena
  8. he doesn't really sequence w/the modular.. i think mostly he uses elektrons for drums. there's videos of him jamming w/the machinedrum/rytm doing classic sounding VSnares stuff.. i think the modular is mostly just a big sound source for him usually.. i could be wrong on that but just my guess. i'm sure he uses everything all the time... except computers.. maybe as a clock for the larger system but that's it. i had a brief chat w/him a few years ago and he said he hadn't used a computer for music in years. said he uses the hardware.. does multiple takes/performances to 2 track and the song is done. no fiddling w/mixes and edits etc. i think whatever he uses he's gonna sounds VSnares... he crushes renoise pretty good ay? edit: i dig this album a lot.
  9. do tell because i can't be bothered to google
  10. ACAB hallandale beach blvd is 10 minutes from the house i grew up in. there's like 3 municipalities between my childhood neighborhood and that place. they're all small time districts who are full of half assed cops. aka.. dicks!
  11. it's all gonna be under water in a bit then the population of the state will be sort of evenly distributed throughout the southeast. they're already pumping sea water out of the freshwater and installing pumps in miami beach and raising some roads. that state is fucked. 2ft sea level rise will cause salt water inundation of the everglades in epic style and 80% of the pumps there that keep sea water at bay will stop working. nice.
  12. totally. though a lot of that stuff is making the front page on reddit it's slipping from normal news coverage.. oh, and there's the thousands of "hidden" dead in puerto rico.
  13. pardoning random assholes while putting tarriffs on our allies seems a solid plan. he's put more tariffs on our allies than he has on china who he complained about for a couple years campaigning... not to mention russia...
  14. cylob got maced? such drama. stay out of malibu lebowski! IDM subculture sees itself like this but it's really like this or maybe i have that backwards
  15. obviously, quit your job, join a fight club. move to the toxic waste part of town. make soap. my insurance company is putting the blame on the hospital for the big bill i have. so i get to argue w/both of them. sweet.
  16. full on shit show as you can guess in the twitter comments and replies on her feed. made the mistake of looking and realized i had her blocked. looked anyways. mistake. i guess i blocked her long ago because of course.
  17. a missed opportunity on their part.
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