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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. Why do you blame Democrats for refusing to support the medicade-for-all bill? It's a giant waste of time and just more pandering bullshit At this moment I'm looking for pragmatic reasonable politicians, I'm sick of the loons, ideologues and corrupt. See below Seriously, I don't see how any rational being can be against affordable, single-payer health insurance...unless you're a whore to the pharma industry - THAT'S who the corrupt ones are. also, this is just the first round of a bill like this getting attention in the wider mass media kind of way even though there's a conpressman who's been putting the bill forward since like 2004 or something.. consider it marketing really.. this is an opportunity for people to learn about it and try to understand what it means and develop opinions on it.. even though many many people think "yes// of course it's obvious this is the only thing that can save our healthcare system" there's still many many people who say "socialism!" and get out there pitch forks and torches. so, this is a process. getting people to accept it as an idea and then presenting details etc.. as example.. think of how long people have been fighting to get medical and legalized weed... decades..
  2. the "what do you need it for?" question makes me want to smash a face.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/washington-other-states-sue-over-immigration-move-175508517.html
  4. ignatius

    Now Reading

    my "to read" list is growing ever longer because of this thread. nicola barker Darkmans.. was a great tip. read that last year due to someone mentioning it in this thread. now i need to get more of her stuff.
  5. presidential overreach is arguable.. that's the point. many state AGs are in support of daca and would've argued on its behalf.. they're already getting ready to sue. trump could've just pushed for making DACA legal w/o putting a deadline on it.. he couldve done a lot of things.. but he didn't. this is a barganing chip. "i'll sign your DACA law if you fund my wall".. just wait.. that's what is coming. but they won't even get that far. there might be some kind of amnesty for DACA holders but then it'll end. the current DACA holders will get grandfathered in and beyond that.. nothing. that's best case scenario unless congress gets its act together. they're already saying there won't be much congress will do because their scehdule is already packed and there's no room/time to deal w/immigration even though trump wants 'reform' and his stupid wall. trump doesn't do 'compassion' or empathy. he makes people suffer because it makes him feel strong.
  6. there is nothing to be confused about, trump is an asshole and one of the worst presidents ever, but hes not hitler, he knew that deporting 800k college students with clean records was no good his base, bannon and miller all wanted to end daca and deport us all immediately but he ignored all of them and made the compassionate decision pretty sure you're the only person who sees it that way. i'm pretty sure the facts of the case you present are wrong. 8 AGs sewing doesn't mean they'd be deported immediately it only means the courts would get involved. trump campaigned on stopping DACA. even though it was a "difficult subject" for him which i think is just bullshit. he's passing the buck and betting congress can't get it together because he wants to deport everyone who isn't white. he'd deport black people back to africa if he could. yes.. i believe that.
  7. it's 4d chess right? let jeff sessions deliver the message. he's the compassionate not racist one. ahem.. er.. what now?
  8. this whole administration needs to fall off the face of the earth and die. rabid skunks should storm the whitehouse gnawing their faces off and suffocating them w/skunk ass poison.
  9. perhaps lot's of time passed on that last visit to the red room? i was expecting the guy w/the blue gloved punching fist to punch the bad cooper. perhaps he gave us just enough to make up our own endings?
  10. I don't mind being out of the loop the majority of the time and then whenever something ground-breaking happens I'll tune in ;)
  11. oh yeah.. total backlash against progressive politics and whatever is perceived as PC culture.. blah blah blah.. it's true and it's world wide. in the US so much has happened over the last 20 years to lead us here. gerrymandering.. tea party.. dumb down of everything.. religious nonsense.. destroyed public education system etc etc etc.. there is a power struggle always.. and this one is super weird and cuts off its nose to spite its face. it's a fucking slime web wave so thick with shit that people can't begin to unpack it. it's kookoo. but we're here now:
  12. fucking idiot. what a scene. i fart in their general direction.
  13. before anyone started speaking.. 1st thought was.. Australia. those are australians.
  14. on reddit there's a washington post story about the business deal and a contract w/donny's signature on it.. from way back during the campaign. so he was dealing w/russia during the campaign and everyone knew it and they lied about it. what other smoking gun is required? fucking fuck this fucking douchebag already.
  15. so good. that scene w/diane was amazing. intense. she's so great. the whole dougie jones thread is pretty great. the fact that she feds him cake then he goes to put a fork in the socket.. i mean.. if it was pie he might have stayed to finish it and never electrocuted himself. ;)
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