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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. learn to make the bean and rice bowls at home. it's the cheapest thing that's good an healthy. there's recipes all over the internet on annoying health blogs. and you can make a ton of it and reheat it easily. when you tire of eating it in a bowl then you get some tortillas and roll that into a big burrito w/some chicken or something. easy peasy.
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/09/politics/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-vietnam/index.html
  3. they could of course be the same thing.. underage pee girls
  4. There's only one tape, that they're pretty confident is real, yes...but the way it's stated, it's nothing necessarily damning. At least in and of itself. Just because someone has a tape of him banging a hooker doesn't mean much at all, especially if it's exceedingly old. If she's underage (and it can be proven beyond a doubt), or it's particularly explicity/nasty, or the holder of the tape could've used it to compromise Trump's future actions as blackmail, then it means something...otherwise, it may be nothing at all. Obviously it's "something" but if it doesn't amount to anything happening, what does it matter? At least that's my thinking. I thought he was fucking done after the pussy grabbing tape, but that shit bounced off him somehow. I'm not betting there's much from the past that can come up that will matter, basically, unless it's truly outrageous and illegal. if it isn't explicitly illegal then it goes towards pubic opinion which hasn't mattered in america.. but what it also goes to is the idea of him being compromised and the tape (s) being used as leverage. his fragile ego etc being too much for him to bear being maligned so he'd be willing to favor russia etc etc etc.. so, in that sense it could be a smoking gun. but the tape itself is not.. they just have to prove that a + b = c
  5. put some taco bell burger king french fried burritos in yer anal butts
  6. yesterday at the grocery store i bought some chicken thighs. the butcher confirmed which ones i wanted asking "you want the ones with bones right?" i heard in my head "BONELESS" and stifled the laugh.
  7. a 2live crew mention perhaps? me so horny.. jesus.. this fucking guy is a bafoon. has no sense of history. i think he thinks his job is just responding to things people say. just listening to press conference about the japan meeting.. "it's good.. we like each other.. we've never been closer to japan than we are right now".. fucking thick.
  8. most IDM 20XX it was a beastie boys lyric in the 90s "... a good mixed meme to put ya in the right mood..."
  9. fuck https://www.yahoo.com/gma/texas-church-scene-shooting-report-192705171--abc-news-topstories.html At least 20 dead and 30 injured in Texas church shooting
  10. bought some ice cream and i can't stop eating it.
  11. aren't the pro cricket players all depressed because the games take 4 days to play and they're super intense about it? https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/apr/22/sport.ameliahill
  12. i've been listening to a lot of the real thing/angel dust lately. there's some great synth stuff
  13. all that pizza is shit. but there's a hundred different competitors now.. uber delivers food for people.. all those places that drive and pick up take out for people..
  14. he's very smart. he went to an ivy league school. he did pretty okay in school. he's got the best memory. the best people. the best brain. the best words.
  15. Yep, he's already there: http://www.politicususa.com/2017/11/01/watch-deteriorating-trumps-speech-stumbles-mispronounces-words-cabinet-meeting.html I heard the audio on npr earlier and was like, wait, did he just say diversery? Then he said it again. the video that plays after that trump video is titled "Lion loves weiner dog" and it's about a lion and a dachshund
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