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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i used to help a pop producer who had s760 in his rack and he used it a ton. he was fast on it.. had the mouse, monitor etc.. i'd recommend starting to use it w/drums. put a bunch of drum sounds in it. it'll sound huge. it's a beauty. lush sounding... but punchy as fuck too. it's a nice sounding instrument.
  2. and it's probably clearly spelled out in the terms of service for google, godaddy etc..
  3. i don't know how the word 'liberal' got attached to neo in this case but whatever.. i thin neo liberalism is 10 differen things depending on who you talk to. but your idea about prioritizing rich people's incomes is not a new or particularly liberal idea. it's just an elitist idea. it's both republican and democratic at times depending on the politician but isn't by any means a uniting philosophy or agenda in either party.. well.. maybe that's not accurate.. but what i mean is other than 'tax cuts' for the rich in the republican party.. well.. the dems find other ways to give those breaks.. they just aren't as honest about it often.. but they do it i think. blah. i don't think i've seen a 'good' meaning accurate definition of what it is or might be. if i was to try to define what i thought it means it'd be something completely different. american politics is esentially a power struggle with the aim being to help those people who get you there.. and along the way bring some of the basic ideas of the party to the forefront. but it's just a power struggle.. different narratives with differet goals. some will stoop lower, be more dispicable towards the poor, middle class.. anyone not 'elite' when moving forward with their agenda.. but i still don't know what neoliberal means. neocon was easy.. it was warhawks.. regime change etc.. under GWB. and then i'd have said neoliberal was a different big money concern, a different type of fascism.. but now i don't know.. and i don't think anyone else does either. we'll see what the next 5 years shapes up to be. edit: if you want a read a good well written but kind of dry book about it.. though dated.. read "America What went wrong?" it's a bit dated but ever so true and lays out how things are done in congress and washington.. to ebnefit the wealthy and the people who make the rules. https://www.amazon.com/America-Wrong-Donald-L-Barlett/dp/0836270010
  4. hahaha was he accused of killing a dog or something? or is that just random lulz? random lolz.. but.. mike huckabee's son killed a dog when huckabee was governor and he got the investogators to look the other way.. and it was fucking weird. apparently huckabee's son killed the dog, gutted it and hung it from a tree during some kind of organized youth event campout w/some younger kids and he hung it in a place so all the kids had to walk passed it. there's a guy who for a while on twitter was posting in response to anything huckabee tweeted "your son murdered a dog" and then would go into details about it.. until huckabee finally blocked him. oh.. so my details may not be correct but.. they apparently strangled the dog. http://www.snopes.com/politics/politicians/huckabeedog.asp
  5. the internet is identifying all these people. already got one them fired, getting law enforcement involved where applicable
  6. regarding taking down statues.. this is the mayor of new orleans speech about it. worth watching to get a big picture.. i agree w/him. besides.. quite simply.. the losers of the war don't get monuments.. sure, battle sites and fallen soldiers get noted and memorialized but putting robert E lee all over the place.. fuck that. don't forget the union siezed his plantation and made it arlington national cemetary.
  7. i know right.. and when some idiot is angrily yelling in your face about how hitler didn't make a mistake seems legit ok to grab him by the tongue and pull real hard. r/punchablefaces
  8. i don't know who threw the 1st punch but last night the tikitards knicked an old guy's hat off and threw him on the ground and roughed him up. they also surrounded the anti protesters and were grunting and spitting and calling them all the bad words. renegade media has lot's of stuff. https://www.renegademediacollective.com/charlottesville-va/ here's the tiki march video there's a 45 minute version on their fb page https://www.facebook.com/R3negadeMedia/videos/1644022758955321/
  9. it's the way freedom of speech works.. assholes like nazis and backwards mutherfucking kkk idiots want permits liek everyone else so they can have a parade.. the city often says "no fuck you guys we're not giving you a permit to have your parade" then the kkk takes them to court because freedom of speech.. unpopular ideas etc etc.. then they get their day and people show up to anti protest which is what they want.. make a big deal of it then they get on the news they get interviewed and get their message out and piss people off. that's all that have.. antagonizing people.. until now.. ya know.. the tide in somesmall way is in their favor.. the smoke signal went u pthat hey come on out of the basements it's good to be white nad full of hate blah blah blah.. so they are emboldened and all the borderline douchebags who are young and dumb and haven't experienced anything but have some ideas about immigrants and black people and whatever wrongs they think have been visited upon their pittiful insecure whiteness.. well.. those dicks come out too and suddenly there's a thousand idiots going to their local home depot to get a fucking citronella tiki torch or whatever and go march through an empty college campus and then have a big mainstream racist white persons rally the next day and we get what we got today.. because a lot of people are sick of the bullshit and dont want to hear a bunch pitiful white fucktards spew their nonsense and hatred and want those shitty white fucks to be uncomfortable even if they have some fully armed militia mental midgets with them as security.. i'm pretty sure this will escalate some more unless there's major police presence at the next unite the white limp dick mediocirty rally.. i'm sure there's a bunch of people on the left who wanna go all 'bear jew' on some of those fucking kkk nazi wanna be cunts and i can't blame them. no one wants to hear their bullshit and they should at a minimum be uncomfortable in public and shouted down.
  10. he was driving a Dodge though so probably not smart enough to have the realization that he should've staed home and ordered pizza.. i mean really.. who drives a dodge?
  11. big pile of insecure white mediocrity lashing out in fear of having to compete.
  12. "We have come for Frankenstein's monster!" Torches are such a cliche white trash intimidation tactic, next they'll be burning crosses in the name of "religious freedom" they're fucking tiki torches.. i can picture these fucktards shopping at pier one imports for the right torch.. what a bunch of butthurt insecure idiots. really.. it's fucking laughable how much of a joke these people are. if they ever actually faced any adversity they'd fucking melt
  13. it's not actual codes. it's a book of plans. like 'wing plan r' from the kubrick film. president just has to authorize then the generals give codes orders down the chain of command but no i doon't think his mental capacity is up to it and i'm amazed he can even use twitter
  14. fuckin Cherell. well.. i hope you got to pee eventually. that sucks. no fun. wrong kind of drama ay?
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