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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. we'll see. i won't be surprised by any of it. if a handful of people get together and do dumb shit w/guns.. a la malheur refuge take over.. then anything is possible. if every idiot decides to open carry their AR15 it could get pretty tense in places. but more than likely we'll just have business as usual and our normal mass shootings like always.
  2. all the options are shit.. but if trump and his horde of shit zippers get tossed it'll be for the best and the checks and balances and blah blah blah will have done their job and the constituion blah blah blah and the next president who gives the state of the union address will get a forever long standing ovation at the start when he/she says "the state of the union is strong" etc etc.. but pence is an asshat.. paul ryan is a fucking number one douchebag asshole fucktard.. the chaos that will ensue during/after a for real impeachment, if it ever comes to that, will be a new level of shit storm for the media and people who write books and journalists and all kinds of protests and people freaking out and taking up arms etc.. it'll be weird wild shit if it goes down and i won't be surprised by any of it. there are enough people w/o dignity, common sense, full of conspiracy shit ideas, mentally unstable etc who also have guns that i'd expect security to be an issue for anyone in congress. unless the republican party gets behind the impeachment (if it happens) and lay the facts out plane as day and even some trump supporters get persuaded etc.. then maybe we'll all surivive w/o the national guard roaming our cities for a few months.. otherwise i think we're in for it. if impeachment happens i do not expect trump to go down w/class. he'll stir the shit storm for all its worth.
  3. saw an interview where he talks about the premiere of one of the movies and he's on the red carpet and some kid says "who are you? are you in the movie?" and he says yeah.. i'm gollum. kid says "no you're not.. he's animated" and then serkis goes into the voice.. but the super scary choking style where he sort of gobbles air while coughing before he says anything and then says something about "the precious" in the voice.. and the kid just peed his pants practically or something... andy fucking serkis is amazing. everything he does. 24hour party people.. tesla's assistant in the prestige.. anything he's been in.. he rules.
  4. it'd have been better if someone audibly farted or SBD'd and looked at the camera like "yeah..."
  5. CLAP CLAP CLAP 'I'm the best at putting hats on other people' UncommonGrimyLadybug.mp4
  6. i might have to do that and send it out into the world.
  7. "i'll be outta here in 6 months.. i've seen my poll numbers.. let's close the beach and go to the beach"
  8. anyone know where a president can get a hotel room in hamburg? asking for a friend.
  9. wot.. the end.. wow. https://www.tumblr.com/video/theweirdwideweb/162409619302/700/
  10. it is what it is (and is different for everyone.. but same).. modern life. and yeah.. we'd all probably be much more miserable and psychologically traumatized if they'd stayed together. but damn if parents can't pull some pity party guilt trip kung fu when they want to.
  11. solid guilt trip from mom regarding summer visit and time spent w/each of my parents who have been divorced for 30+ years or something. I'm 45 and it still sucks being a child of divorce. i should go hang myself in the garage or have a kid they never get to see. that'll show'em.
  12. in the extra features of the Twin Peaks box set there's an interview w/david lynch where he says he never wanted to reveal who killed laura palmer because that was the golden goose that kept on giving but the network made them do it... so, i'm wondering if that's why cooper hasn't woken up yet? is cooper the golden goose? waking him up might answer too many questions and maybe they don't want to do that for a while??? just a thought... we'll see of course...
  13. new narrative.. collusion is OK. not a crime. okey dokey...
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