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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. choirDrilll edit. duh. free!. fucking ay. amazing track.
  2. "A race of super billionaires will run the world!" Pretty sure that's already happening. i was just (miss)thinking of this.. clip "atomic super men that will conquer the world"
  3. i'll download it. looks good. solid cast. syfy in modern times.. okeydokey
  4. "A race of super billionaires will run the world!"
  5. probably.. i read somewhere there is no real figure for his worth because no one knows where it's all hidden etc.
  6. the most perfect scene. as soon as i saw his face i laughed.. then the lisp and the story.. holy lols. that shit was so priceless. genius level.
  7. yeah i get that.. and i liked vince vaughn too and he was great in Clay Pigeons.. anyway.. i just don't see jim belushi as a character yet.. he just seems like jim belushi playing a gangster.. i'm not sold on it yet.. hopefully that moment will come.
  8. i used to like him before he had terrible tv shows. still can't decide about him in twin peaks. seems unnatural in the part. sometimes that's lynch's style though.
  9. can't decide about jim belushi.. has this been discussed already? is he right or just so fucking wrong? i don't really like him but that doesn't mean he isn't right for this... i'm leaning pretty hard towards "WTF w/jim belushi in this?" it's like he doesn't get it when everyone else does. he's aping some idea of a thing but really has no clue.
  10. i think we all understand this behavior. quality douchebag there. St Pete florida is a small but ever growing town.. west coast FL is another planet... the dali museum is there though. some great art in there.
  11. in exchange for killing limp bizkit edit: linkin park?
  12. that NYT interview w/president drumpf.. holy shit this guy is made of word salad. https://www.yahoo.com/news/15-remarkable-moments-trumps-nyt-interview-135917019.html not surprised rally because we know this already but just.. holy shit.. this fucking guy is president.
  13. i lived in orlando for a year. crotch rot swamp ass is a common thing in summer. can get dehydrated just from swamp ass. i used to work on south beach at a museum and lunch break was traumatic if i had to go outside. one day i saw billy corgan walking down the street all in black w/long sleeves and black pants and black boots talking to someone and it made me feel like a freak because here i am a native floridian and coping w/the heat was ever more difficult each year and this guy is walking down the sidewalk looking like an upscale beat poet with hardly a glisten of perspiration on him. he must be an alien lizard.
  14. i grew up in miami and it always gets crazier in the summer. people get mellow in winter/spring. there's that one day they get to wear sweater and those few days they talk about how they didn't even have to turn on the AC or had the windows open and it was so nice... but generally it's fucking hot.. then in summer.. may/june/july/august/september.. it's just awful. you walk outside and your glasses will fog up. life is a journey from one air conditioned place to another... and some how people will sit outside and have a meal at some restaurant that has outdoor seating... and it's normal.. until someone sweats into their eyes and cries from the pain. the sun is like a fucking weight over your head pressing down.. flattening everything... it's murder.. right there at the equator... it's like 4 ft overhead.. giant and fucking burning everything. and there's a shit ton of people there. so many people. some of them are nice. some of them are crazy.. many of them are old and retired and shouldn't be driving and they complain and are rude cunts.. but some of them are nice.. .and there's a lot of money there. every 3rd car is worth $100k. it's a fucking weird place.
  15. guess it's ok to publish things now... so.. how about that pee tape?
  16. i'm sure no foreign nations would intervene in a modern USA civil war.
  17. hopefully Mars Will Attack and blow up congress.
  18. lmao the bahamas has some really weird rich enclaves.. chub cay etc.. weird boat culture..
  19. whoa... that shit goes deep. paints a picture..
  20. i have a good friend from india i've know for 30 years and he never shared any of this rad shit w/us when we were growing up.. .i feel betrayed.
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