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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i won't be satisfied until he's disgraced and ruined... and actually can understand that he is disgraced because he's a horrible piece of shit. i doubt it will ever happen because his ego seems blind as fuck.. but it'd be nice to have the trump name universally synonymous with garbage dumpster fire full of shit.
  2. Goodnight sweet Preince trump is sounding like Dutuerte from phillipines.
  3. yeah man, seems sketchy as fack he looks like someone from a police line up.. or the actor who plays the scumbag murdering politician on Law and Order.
  4. It seems the concentration camp thing is kind of happening as well. jesus fuck.. they'll be "detention camps". wtf.. these people are all horrible.. a new generation of noob assholes ready to go ugly from the word go. at least it'll be easier to not have sympathy when the revolution starts. tactical shotguns are only $249.
  5. hopefully the universe will solve this problem for us some how... i mean.. he could just explode while taking a shit and do us all a favor. rancid human crap that he is.. he's got to be festering in some way.. w/our luck he's in excellent health.. but i'd be OK w/him getting brain cancer or whatever.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. also a reminder: http://nordic.businessinsider.com/chomsky-says-trumps-scandals-are-only-a-distraction-to-hide-whats-going-on-behind-the-scenes-2017-7/ “Basically letting the Bannon-Trump group control what’s presented to the public, crazy things about wiretapping, ‘Did Susan Rice commit a crime?’, whatever tomorrow’s will be, meanwhile the parts of the governmental structure that are beneficial to human beings and to future generations are being systematically destroyed, and with very little attention.”
  7. the woman over his right shoulder (screen left) you can read her lips.. "it's true.. it's true..." while she nods her head.. i hope these fucking people get a rude awakening soon.
  8. this is bannon's plan though right? chaos and taking apart the administrative bureaucracy.. not making appointments. leaving positions empty.. lack of faith in federal politics etc..
  9. pretty sure they were deep into dirty talk at the start and had a sort of agreement that they never acknowledged any hot 'perversions' and only let those things out of the closet when they naked and sweaty.. i mean perspiring.. and making the missionary beast w/two backs.. but by now.. to keep things hot after having kids and being a bit deeper into the relationship they are full on pissing and shitting on each other's faces and rolling around in excrement and stuffing it into each other's holes... only to roll up the sheets and put them in plastic bags and throw them in some basement incinerator (is a deal breaker if they don't have an incinerator in their residence) and then they for real spray bleach into each other's faces and scrub with brushes for 20 minutes on each section of skin. then the following month is a gearing up for future bedroom sports.. every day is another step forward towards the date when they get to piss and shit on each other and start anew.
  10. so good.. and belushi was good in this one. much more convincing. cherry pie, coffee.. what else is missing to wake coop up? donuts? has he eaten a donut yet?
  11. this guy is such an idiot. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/343385-trump-sad-republicans-who-were-carried-over-on-the-line-on-my-back btw don't read the twitter replies it's fucking batshit crazy
  12. player pro.. ha.. i thought it was a spreadsheet in excel sending data to max or something.. thanks for that ..
  13. house guests soon. i can't stop listening to some of those new aphex tracks and i'm crap.
  14. His scream is amazing yeah.. first time i saw that scene i thought "oh this is gonna be funny shit" but then his scream is so good it sells it so hard.
  15. Come To Daddy-009-Aphex Twin-28 organ 11 [ru,ec,+9] jesus fuck. gonna listen to this a hundred times in a row it's so good.
  16. also, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt!! so if he pardons his family then that's admitting they are all guilty fucks!!
  17. why do you want to buy something he's giving you for free? i want to 'cherish' it. massive track.
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