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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. Yeah, I saw this earlier and forgot to post it. Sessions will be stepping down at some point, possibly sooner rather than later. i hope he steps down off a cliff and lands on a discarded toilet head first and dies.
  2. i have a back catalog of releases from Buried In Time.. some CDs and some vinyl and i don't know what to do w/it. people buy the vinyl still here or there but at this pace it'll take 10 more years to sell it off. thinking about giving a bunch of it away
  3. every time i see her i think of that video of the guy painting CUNT on the wall and the girl asking "What's it say?" and he says... "CUUUUUUNTTTT!" she's a fucking horrible person. these people are all so fucked.. they don't care about anyone who doesn't have at least $10 million in assets.
  4. Yeah, definitely. Military-industrial complex is real but it has also expanded to include other industries and areas of government since Vietnam. yeah.. i added congress to it.. it's been that way for decades. congress, the pentagon, defense industries, logistics industry, private security firms etc.. etc etc.. there's a big revolving door between all of them. military -> pentagon-> congress -> defense contractor job -> lobbyist job - - - take all those up and shuffle them around in any order and you've got lot's of scenarios for problems.. and conflicts of interest
  5. this sounds a lot like Jade helm paranoia. I'm guessing the military are always doing training like this? Not in major cities without notifying residents (beyond a couple people I know who got Facebook notifications a few hours in advance). I've never heard the army conducting two major training operations late at night in the center of a densely populated city in my life, much less simultaneously in TWO neighboring cities using ground troops, aircraft and some kind of pyrotechnics or blank firearms (I didn't see what that stuff was, I just heard the blasts down the street. There have been gun fights on my street a few times and this was way beyond anything civilian. There's still some weird business going on today, too. A fighter jet flew over earlier and actually just as I finished the last paragraph I could hear anoter helicopter maybe a mile away, at most. It's still there. Bigger and louder than the police or news helicopters you usually hear. Strange and ominous. When Homeland Security mobilizes, it can also be pretty scary. I didn't realize they had their own black SUV / black helicopter military force, but after Hurricane Ike, they were all over the Galleria area of Houston, speeding down congested streets in vehicle columns where lots of pedestrians were, this was while the power grid was completely fucked and they were paranoid the wealthy jewelry stores, etc. would get looted. They all had body armor and automatic rifles slung, with the requisite black sunglasses. It was like a Philip K Dick book or something. Yeah you don't realize it's even there until suddenly there's an armored vehicle the size of a bus driving down the main street through town. When I was living up there in the years after 9/11 there would be Homeland Security people with automatic weapons doing random bag checks at the subway entrances every few weeks for a year or two, and sometimes they'd stop the commuter rail trains and sweep through with dogs. And that was before we went into Iraq, things are a lot farther along now, not for some shadowy, sinister reason but because police forces across the country have been cutting costs for the past 15 years by reworking their training programs to more closely resemble military training so that they can recruit officers straight out of the military when they fnish their tours of duty and put them to work with only minimal training. The fact that we've ended up with police forces that basically operate like an arm of the military in a lot of ways is just a side effect of that plus military contractors who will jump at any opportunity to sell more products by marketing to the police, even if they're completely inappropriate for the job. It's nothing so clean, simple and unambigous as an Alex Jones style conspiracy. Nothing ever is. IMO this is the consequences of Afganistan and Iraq.. the US is kind of stuck with the military spending, because you have a lot of people whose income depends on there being a war somewhere. And what's worse, I don't think the US has really been in a serious war since Vietnam, so most people even with actual combat experience think war is something they fucking see on television or that it's like Iraq where you go fight for 6 months and come back to your house that's not been bombed and infrastructure that's working. So it's easy for the US to slip into a war because all the people who have really experienced one are dead or dying of old age. this has been the case since WWII. military industrial congressional complex is a thing. we've had military actions of one kind or another steadily since WWII.
  6. https://www.instagram.com/p/BVI1Br8DwhH/
  7. some kooky weird stuff w/this guy. he's nuts.
  8. danks.... the floor is the white house.. savage! higherground coffee... lulz...
  9. jeez.. that's some shitty shit by oliver stone.. i've seen some of his twitter feed over the last year or so and he's really taken on that narrative of the "deep state" vs trump/russia and as russia trying to bring peace and good relationships to the world.. really ignores so much of the reality of putin's rise etc.
  10. In Michigan, our legislature is ramrodding a bill through that would require no training whatsoever for a concealed weapons license. Currently, it's a mandated 8 hours, which really isn't much of anything. But it's something. Nobody wants to pay for that training because they can learn on their own basically. Problem with that is, there's a lot of dumbfucks in this country who have no clue what laws are when it comes to firearms use. All the 2nd amendmenters talk about "responsible gun owners". While I'm sure the majority is true, it's the minority I'm worried about. concealed carry you say?
  11. ignatius

    Now Reading

    blood meridian is fucking brutal. the person here who described as "The Road" w/o all the feelings" was right on.
  12. reading it over makes me feel totally half assed and lazy and w/o vision as a producer.
  13. thanks for posting that. nice read. Go Plastic is one of my fav records.. []pusher's peak imo though who's to say what comes next. selection 16 and venus 17 are certainly excellent pieces of music.
  14. his right eye looks like the pouty pepe. it's like an eye coming out of the butt of an orange.. and his mouth is a fucking trapezoid. still hoping he dies on the toilet bleeding from the ears mouth nose anus toes ...Kevin Costner drinks his own pee around 2050. He'll be 95 in 2050 so I expect nothing less. Let’s be fair to Kevin though, guys: NestleCorp will have owned all potable water for years by that point, so we’ll all be drinking our recycled pee by then kids will be all "i'll drink yours if you drink mine"
  15. mcconnel is such a fucking piece of crap. when that guy dies i'm gonna do a little dance. not ashamed to say so.
  16. my GF laughed at this hard for several minutes and said "HOT CHICK DOWN!!!" cackling all the while. so i had to include it.
  17. yes, someone please tell me what the correct truth is the smoke is overwhelming...the connections are FACT...just no smoking gun in relation to the orange choad himself.... here's a great politico article going over the smoking guns that are in plain sight. impeachment depends on congress deciding to impeach. and the majority are choads there's more to it than that... impeachment is hard to do. this sam harris podcast w/david frum is interesting and at some point in it gets into impeachment and what that means.. how it happens.. what it would take.. it's worth a listen.. there's a lot if interesting things on that guy's podcast.. https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/the-great-unraveling this one about data and gerrymandering down to the individual.. is amazing. and he doesn't talk much during it so you get lot's of amazing informaiton and ideas from the woman he's interviewing.. https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/persuasion-and-control
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