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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. yes so so so so good. i too lost it at 23 secs.. just want to break into shouts
  2. subjective though because i think what america has always been is a power struggle. that's all it boils down to. two parties doing dirt to stay in power and help their supporters.. their backers.. their friends.. so, is it a failure if all the horrible shit that america does/did is by design? toppling democratically elected governments to insert despots loyal to american interests has always been the plan. remain the dominant power in the region or world at all costs.. maintain the american standard of living.. though this obviously doesn't include everyone in america.. that's a separate internal battle. and yeah.. arguably it's failing because all the cracks are showing and late stage capitalism and all that.. the ship isn't going to float forever the way they're scrapping the various systems that were keeping it going. education, infrastructure etc.. the financial system.. all of it is hanging on by a thread. so i agree w/you it's a failure because it's a bad plan.. but it was a plan. a shortsighted one.
  3. they had a press conference about a bomb.. because they have nothing else to offer.
  4. trump is planning on using the poor as a bargaining chip.. freeze whatever subsidies he can that help poor people until the dems repeal the affordable care act. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/04/trump-i-may-sabotage-obamacare-until-democrats-repeal-it.html?mid=facebook_nymag best deals.. so much winning.. i hope he dies on the toilet bleeding from every orifice
  5. fuck. sucks. RIP Mika. :( accident on holiday in france or something??? ugh.. fuck.
  6. so amazing.. i remember when they had that disclaimer on the planet-mu site in the contact section.. "DON"T SEND US COCKCHEESE" and it was a CD w/a bunch of cheese on it. i miss that planet mu.
  7. this pairs well with a violent sacramento jaywalking arrest.
  8. ^^^^^^^^ that shit is ridiculous. you know those dweebs were high fiving and talking about how badass they think they are etc. fucking meatheads through and through. like a bunch of drug dealers aren't laughing at this if they've even seen it? i bet they rehearsed that.. "at the end we all turn right and walk off at the same time"
  9. so hungry now.. chicken parm or donuts??? can't decide
  10. blessed are the cheesemakers. this should loop forever
  11. sweet. i lost control of my own hacking tools as well.. now my kitchen appliances are goose stepping and throwing signs.
  12. I legit do not what to make of this, too much of a coincidence for this person to have guessed both the bannon thing + the syria bombing incident. Can someone give me more background on this twitter account? weird. looked at the account. looked at the other account it's linked to a lot.. the "official not my president" account which is apparently the wife. strange.
  13. USA always finds a way to bomb some people or stuff. press gets into a ferver.. country gets amped up.. USA is dumb.. we're basically yosemite sam firing off pistols and yelling yeehaw!
  14. whatever they do.. trophy wives and fake tans will be safe.
  15. they let russia know.. and apparently russia let syria know and syria moved a bunch of people and equipment for protection.. this is all theater. watch... things will get tense in the press and trump will make a deal to calm things down that also ends sanctions on russia.
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