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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. trump/putin/wikileaks vs USA intelligence services. cyberpunk struggle
  2. lol http://www.palmerreport.com/opinion/carter-page-fires-back-says-donald-trump-behind-russia-conspiracy-gop-convention/1781/ what a mess. how long has it been? a month and a half?
  3. I see no problem here EODS 1-9 https://eodtracks.bandcamp.com today Ae was a bunch of stuff at 33rpm... slowed down.. yeesland, the we are r y .. krib.. lexis... etc.. and i was well into ep7 (at normal rpm) when a stink tweeker came in and wanted to touch everything and reconnect with some part of his past non homeless life when he made beats and didn't talk to himself.. he thought he was in a studio and was jamming on stuff and tweeking and touching every knob button etc.. ended up having to chase him out after a half hour or so when he got a bit too animated for my comfort level. and was talking to himself and over powering the scent of the 3 incense i'd lit.
  4. those 9 EOD EPs are amazingly good stuff. a good listen. i've been enjoying those lately. but today at work it's been all autechre.. go figure..
  5. i like the complicated shit or funk type things or interesting techno. drone music for a minute maybe but mostly it's really dependent on the trip. at some point you jus surrender.
  6. i hope they die on the toilet. trump and the lot of them.
  7. so much better than the kentucky fucker in the haunted diner
  8. Panthallassa - the music of miles davis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wA7QpJ1rOc zappa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJe-XGoxEQ4 brown out i also recommend some Pfucnk, funkadelic, george clinton etc. something about genuine funk that sets things loose. but depends on the trip of course.
  9. I mean China doesn't pay their people as good as the US and they produce cheaper. You have to consider this. Russia pays 5,4% of their GDP for military and only Saudi-Arabia (over 13%) pays more. The US only pays 3,3%. But yeah, it's still concerning you also need to consider we've been spending this much of the budget on military for 50 years or whatever and china has been doing it how long? also, we did also spend a few $Trillion in Iraq/afghanistan China spends about $250 billion a year on infrastructure because they didn't have one but i bet they beat us in the clean energy race and if tiny hads fuckwad derails our clean energy boom it'll take us even longer to catch up. either way USA priorities are surely fucked and have been for decades.
  10. Casshmeoutsidehowbowdaa Edit: uh oh, they took her to horse rehab welp, looks like she might be getting her own reality tv show i'm sure brazzers is waiting in the wings for her 18th birthday.
  11. smug prick. death panels.. wtf. idiot. i hope he dies on the toilet later tonight.
  12. i was posting memes and got called to dinner by the GF
  13. don't forget the sniper in dallas that killed 5 cops last year, also a vet. are they really any more dangerous than the rest of the population? there's millions of vets. millions. i wonder what percentage of them get "radicalized" and become motivated to violence by politics and ideological hoohaa? i know there are many vets with serious mental health issues but i view this as a separate thing. post war PTSD, drug addiction from over prescribed meds etc.. there are cross sections to sort out. how many of these people are just depressed addicts with PTSD and how many are a dangerous bunch wanting to take action based on politics? there are loads who commit suicide. the numbers are shocking.
  14. jebus.. can someone go back in time when this is recorded and fix the shitty cable/mic or whatever? this recording is some kind of subtle troll. i can't pay attention to what he's saying because of the clicks... coincidence??? perhaps. http://blackbag.gawker.com/the-crazy-emails-that-took-down-nsa-spook-john-schindle-1610203101 https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140318/07340426610/former-nsa-official-thinks-blog-containing-nothing-his-own-tweets-is-defamatory.shtml https://www.stripes.com/news/us/navy-professor-resigns-after-racy-photo-inquiry-1.297789#.WK_E97GZOV4 coincidence?
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