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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. stupid asshole. people are idiots. just gonna go ahead and believe anything. obama muslim president goes to jail!!! zomg... alex jones is my hero!
  2. "you're a disgrace to the world" https://twitter.com/najahtaa/status/861320374834909185
  3. i really hope he finds the arc of the covenant and opens it and melts his face off.. so long as it gets captured on video so i can masturbate to it...
  4. bonus points.. spot in heaven reserved.
  5. What is anal gaping and is it dangerous? that's the JCrew khaki anal gape so is purely pedestrian and safe. no harm can come to you. right.. i wonder what tipped them off?
  6. my entire 1st world country is shitting into its own mouth
  7. Ask what the budget is to find out if they know what they're doing and asking for. Also ask what their plans are for the film. and who is the music director person.. music supervisor i think it's called w/film. ask for $50k ;) seriously.. i have no idea.. but if you ask other musicians who do sound for film on twitter you'll get some kind person to respond. i know SiBegg does a lot of sound for film/tv and there are a lot of people in the industry dealing w/the music side of things who are active on social media
  8. this health care bill.. jebus.. it's bad... for everyone.. except congress.. who exempted themselves from it. cunts.
  9. there are many 'little' details like this piling up and i hope it all comes together to sink these corrupt fuckholes. i thought the federal gov't would eventually become so bloated and slow and "Brazil" like that it would do itself in through bureaucratic bullshit but i think the trump presidency is possibly going to speed up that mess through disorder and blinding corruption.. a couple years ago i was talking with someone about the election and this person said that USA needs a president who will bring the country together and 'heal' it and won't elect a Trump or similar because of that.. boy.. was he wrong (like everyone) but also right about what the country needed.. the divisions have grown deeper.. it's messier and more confused now and the nuts have been given a voice and are part of the conversation now.. for better or worse we're going to be on this ride for a while and feeling the affects of this fucking douchebag for a long time... or we'll get nuked and it won't matter.
  10. i have a cassette deck.. not sure if it works. i'll have to hook it up and see if it works which may be too much effort
  11. i have a DX-11 i got for $100 (shipping to my front door included!) and it's great for a lot of FM stuff. i like it a lot.. can't complain about any of it :)
  12. i've hours of recorded music to go through and shape into songs. added 40 minute modular jam session to that today. i need to get into edit/arrange mode but ... it's meme o'clock every day.
  13. ignatius

    Now Reading

    sounds interesting. half a year after finishing IJ i keep finding myself thinking man that was a damn good book Yeah. Not many books stick in my mind after reading them but that one does. the long interview book is a good bio of DFW since it's all his own words/conversations.. the movie was actually pretty good too. i thought it was pretty endearing and the book is a good 'getting to know you for a minute' type experience whereas the biography i read is like a portrait or something.. very flat.. but it was so long ago.. i think if you want to know DFW just read his books in order they were published. you can see by "Oblibvion" what's going on in there.. and then after he died.. "The PAle King" and things i've read about it.. how he was "writing to escape boredom" because his meds didn't work and he was depressed as fuck. anyway.. title of the road trip interview book is below. "Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace"
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