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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. got one of these a couple weeks ago. great for all kinds of percussion and FX type sounds and weirdness. modulation can be pretty unpredictable depending on which algorithm you're in.. requires a fine touch to offset/attenuators to get things where i want them.. still.. really a great voice in a modular system. really great module.
  2. i guess that ja rule statement is fake.. duh.. https://www.reddit.com/r/fyrefestival/comments/682zxf/ja_rule_public_statement/
  3. lol apparently he donated all the money to a charity. :)
  4. why do i feel like blaming Will I Am for this?
  5. jesus.. fuck.. wtf.. that's some rough shit for rich white people to deal with.. but they hook line sinker go for it.. make it special and exclusive and something that can be bragged about and hung in front of other people's faces the more they go for it. "take my money!" then ZOMG.. but for real.. what a cluster fuck of an experience.
  6. on the same day daddy trump proposed stripping funding away from the state dept that is for promoting women's rights and stuff. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-budget-2018-state-department-cut-office-global-womens-issues-oxfam-ivanka-a7701631.html i hope he dies on the toilet.. like soon.. and bleeding.
  7. everything is for feelings. nothing is for actual reasons. memeconomy. or donald's feels. so, the USA is about to give trum p enough funds to do part of his border wall so he can spin it as a win.. so.. he can feel good adn then his supporters can feel good.. throw your molotov cocktails soon.
  8. "pass the healthcare bill and admit i had the biggest inaugural crowd in history or i'll bomb north korea"
  9. flol.. "i can't wait to have someone else to eat popsicles with"
  10. jesus... it's the same guy, wearing different outfits Prophets Of Addiction - As We Fall (Official Lyric Video)
  11. that's beautiful I vote for this to be most IDM 2017, and all the tracks must use the vid as sample source was thinking it'd make some great hardcore epic breakdown splosion wthis kid's screams. that video is nuts. reading the comments i guess it's minecraft and the kid was kiling other players and collecting their heads in the chests and had 300 heads. not supposed to kill people in minecraft. game is apparently about cooperation so kid freaks out gets banned... maybe he'll go kill real people now.
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