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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/mississippi-advances-bill-bring-back-firing-squad-executions-n718906 Worse state in terms of living standards in the union by most statistics. Also most religious. Priorities. I'm generally anti-death penalty but FFS if they are going to keep it in place use a firing squad. Electric chair is torture. Gas chamber and lethal injection are misleadingly "humane" options. just gotta find a bunch of sick fucks to pull the triggers. they used to to give a couple people blanks so that they all had some plausible deniability about being the one who kills someone.
  2. i'd like to see him fall asleep on his back then someone could fill up the neck anus with ranch dressing and steve bannon could dip his fried cheese logs in there.
  3. omg look at that... i've got to get to WATMM
  4. i'm waiting for him to get bored and fed up and just really lose it. if he gets constantly antagonized on all fronts he could get to nixon levels of sweaty paranoia. if some things go wrong e could turn on his advisors and lash out. who knows.... we don't know how stable/unstable these people are.. they're playing a good game w/yoyo-ing the media around. we're fucked though. financially this country is going to go bigger on the deficit with tax cuts, destroy regulations that protect consumers, destroy the EPA etc etc... it's really up to the states and judicial branch to get in the way.
  5. let's play a game.. but if i start to lose i can change the rules? ok.. cool.. me first.
  6. it's all the portage acacian in the lower classes
  7. yeah.. $200 million in donations to the republican party.
  8. didn't she donate $200 million to the republican party? money wins again.
  9. idk.. who talks like that? the act of carrying; carriage. 2. the carrying of boats, goods, etc., overland from one navigable waterto another. 3. the route over which this is done. 4. the cost of carriage. verb (used without object), portaged, portaging. 5. to make a portage: On this stretch of the river, we have to portage for a mile. Definition of Acacian plural : a follower of Acacius who taught likeness of will alone in the Father and Son in the Christian godhead
  10. the biggest irony to the anti-PC right-wing rhetoric, and the reason it continues to fail to ever take hold, is that the same people who talk the talk can't walk the walk. they call people snowflakes or whiney liberals or cry babies etc. but will cry foul at any criticism leveled at them with any ounce of snark, insensitivity, or nastiness. I've actually encountered this IRL - the double standard and hypocrisy is immense. they dish it out but can't take it. to quote michelle obama the only way to win is take the high road when they take the low. the results will never be immediate and they will ultimately eat their own words but it is a gradual road full of frustration and bafflement. also I remind myself that far more people in the past century had to live with fascism, unabashed racism, gross systematic injustice and how much they were sneered and silenced by those in power without any outlet online, through any form of accessible media, or in easily planned mass protests. we have to remind ourselves we are not alone. those in the wrong can ignore the facts and spew lies but ultimately those things will not last. thin skin. yes. none more so than the orange hitler. and i hope you're right. if people keep protesting and stalking trump at mira lago in palm beach etc maybe it'll start to sink in and maybe in 4 years we can dump the nightmare and move on. until then...
  11. oh, huckabee you POS clicking through some of the thread in those tweets there's links to a story about huckabee's son who when a young man hung a dog from a tree while out on a boyscout trip. all these people are shit.
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