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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. lol Report: Jared Kushner had undisclosed meeting with head of Russian bank under sanctions http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/real-time/Report-Jared-Kushner-had-undisclosed-meeting-with-head-of-Russian-bank-under-sanctions.html and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i30Crw-O88w
  2. florida of course. spring break 2009! https://www.yahoo.com/news/fbi-searches-teen-feared-abducted-151812823.html fucking hell.
  3. control of all branches of government... blames the democrats..
  4. the republican party is a protest party. opposition party.. now they don't have anything to oppose because they have all the trophies. so they have no idea what to govern and what to do for a legislative agenda other than all the piles o hateful crap and corporate handouts.. trump doesn't seem too interested in doing something to benefit the people who elected him. but.. bear cubs.. great. fucking aye.. these cunts.
  5. still hoping they all just die on the toilet bleeding out the ass.
  6. you're supposed to stop for donuts on the way home.
  7. he's in the top 5 of music that will make me immediately leave a venue
  8. i like to bike commute. don't mind the rain. hate putting on the rain gear then taking it off when i get to work. today it rained on my way to work... then was kind of nice spring cloudy sunny all day then an hour before i go home it poured cats and dogs.. then i get suited up to ride home and it mostly stops raining.
  9. would that be called a 'chinhawk'?
  10. "shux they's jus doin him a prison cleanin an sometimes guards will be guards is all." - J. Sessions
  11. wtf. this is where the attorney general is supposed to weigh in and bring charges on civil rights grounds or something.. hey mr racist elf from last century AG Jeff Sessions are you paying attention at all????
  12. this framework for a budget could also be a negotiating tactic but who knows.. these fucks are ruthless and ryan sees this as an opporunity to go full ayn rand on america because he's a small minded cruel cunt.
  13. Not going to happen - South Korea has an interim leader, and the country's more left-wing parties are looking to take advantage of the disarray of the ruling party as they suffer backlash from the various scandals involving former President Park Geun-Hye. Those left-wing parties favour engagement with North Korea. China - no chance. Japan, yes the defense minister said it, but that would be a huge blow to the party, as the country is generally pretty happy being a (mostly) pacifist nation. Plus their economy is still in the shitter. First strike-option is a no go anyways, no one wants to be responsible for the huge loss of life that would happen. As usual, the Trump administration has even less of a clue than Gordo. what do any of those things or countries or people have to do w/what donny the douchebag wants to do??? for fuck's sake he thinks he was wire tapped by obama with help form the british and watches tv all night as his source of information to base his decisions on.. he's a fucking circle jerk chatroom wingnut in human form. he doesn't htink he needs to consider the rest of the world when acting. couldn't care less about things like coalitions etc. could be syria first though.. then maybe n korea.
  14. What a f'en dickhead. Won't even shake her hand. he's a god damned 2 year old.
  15. N Korea distraction/war in coming. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/tillerson-stresses-regional-cooperation-to-curb-north-koreas-weapons-programs/2017/03/16/4ec5e07c-09ab-11e7-bd19-fd3afa0f7e2a_story.html?tid=ss_tw-bottom&utm_term=.cd03696ac7b2 USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!
  16. that drummer is perfect in that clip. fucking awesome. hilarious. absurd. it's the drummer's version of
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