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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i thought he was a vegas magician or something? but i guess we can assume that in order to throw porn stars off a roof you are a trust fund kid. he also goes to mexico to some kind of stem cell testosterone HGH or whatever injected with mel gibson http://brobible.com/life/article/dan-bilzerian-stem-cells/
  2. of the very visible americans he certainly is pretty terrible... but i suspect there's a worse person who is hidden and powerful and affecting lot's of people's lives. but bilzerian is pretty awful.. worse than a kardashian.
  3. is that even possible? other than woody allen's "everything you wanted to know about sex.." but that tit was actually just angry.. not sure how over dramatic it was.. though could be said that anger leads to dramatic side so perhaps it was nursed to shrivels before it could be dramatic? it would be pretty weird it the tits themselves could be over dramatic and the person who's tits they were had to excuse them at parties.. "oh pay no mind to them.. they're just being dramatic. i'd leave them at home if i could"
  4. Yeah cos yanks are literally incapable of producing intelligent music. How dare they even consider tarnishing the holy IDM i went to america once. it was terrible.
  5. he's a fucking weird clown. can't wait for the pee tape.
  6. ugh. pain in the ass. had 3x plumbing things this year. clogs, broken pipes... some stuff i almost fixed but had to pay to get someone to do it because i don't have a solid good electric motor snake thing... also need to replace a bunch of plumbing this year. $2k ish expense. also have equivalent amount of medical bills to pay. should note that same exact procedure in the ER i had a few years ago.. first year of the ACA and the bill was $37. this last time bill is $2500. fucking fuckers. anyway... best of luck w/the water heater. replaced mine a couple years ago and it's not too difficult so long as you have a somewhere to drain the water out of the current one and can get the proper hoses to connect to the water heater. also new water heater is way more fficient so it's like $300 to use it for the whole year or something stupid. i got a rheem.. was i think $800 and i installed it myself in a couple hours.
  7. it's the algorithms he chose for himself
  8. this is pretty amazing. what a fucking idiot.. asshole.. douchebag
  9. it's absurd. this guy is nuts. that was inside a church or was a church crowd or something.. "hey you lost everything have some paper towels" and watching the press conferences and stuff.. he's a fucking weird guy. sitting weird.. talking weird.. stopping half way through one sentence and starting a nother nad not going back to the previous sentence.. he's horrible.. a fucking embarrassment.. but his body language is so strange. just strange. he's aloof in some kind of bizarre way.. the way he stands w/his arms dangling from his sides and sways back and forth a little when he's being introduced or waiting for his turn at the podium. he has no impression of how important th ejob of a president is and what it means to be a president and lead and console people and inspire them.. other than saying 'lock her up' or 'rocket man' or whatever the fuck he enjoys about his position.. wtf.. no concept.
  10. US, just build that f-ing wall around your beloved country and stop bothering the rest of the world. and keep your sugary/fat/salty fastfood there as well. kthxbye it's not personal we could just divide the country.. put a wall between the two halves. i'd be ok w/that. but good luck stopping mcdonald's and walmart etc.. :(
  11. apparently the shooter had a thing like this.. turns your semi auto into a little gatling gun... gun nerds were talking about it on reddit last night.. because it's not a fully automatic rifle.. not a machine gun.. i didn't notice but they said because you can hear the fire speeding up and slowing down.. it's not consistent.. so he had some kind of mod to the trigger to make it fire faster.. wtf mericuh.. who needs this? for hunting??? keep in mind that last year the republicans voted to make it easier for people w/mental illnesses to get firearms.
  12. look at the replies to that tweet and also his tweets about puerot rico.. you'll come across supporters saying equally horrible shit.. standing behind him 100%. if paul ryan faound his way into the office he'd bankrupt the country trying to reanimate ayn rand so he could lick her asshole.
  13. plz do tfw the CIA becomes part of the system of "Checks and Balances"
  14. reaktor's file system/navigation/shared folder and preset management is a total pile of dead dog dick that was eaten by zombies and shit out into a river that was drank by camels that then rotted from theinside out and fell to pieces and chomped by scavenger birds that went mad and flew into car windhsields and caused a 50 car pile up on the highway killing hundreds who were trapped and burned alive in their cars sending toxic smoke into the air that was breated in by surrounding life forms who then died in place and acidically burned down through earth's crust into its core causing it to explode cracking the planet into pieces and sending it off into space etc etc etc...
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