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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. haven't trump supporters been sucker punching people for the last year at his rallies though? at his direction? didn't a student get shot at a milo speech a while ago? not to excuse a random beat down. but when you peddle hatred it's gonna come back around with a bit of knee jerk and violence in places. it should be expected really.. this is america. it's what we do. also, put yourself in the mind of a 20 something who's all self righteous.. full of indignation and probably wants to be a part of a thing... has seen fight club and is thinking about a tyler durden speech and thinks this is going to be his 'great war'. shit is gonna happen. this is what's being unleashed. trump wasn't elected to be a uniter.. he's not a healer.. he's not going to smooth over old wounds and bring people together. he's going to double down on his bullshit and push people's buttons. there will be more of this violence wherever opposing sides of the spectrum meet.
  2. she's an idiot.. is what happened. but i'm guessing a bunch of pedro pedes will start referencing this as some kind of justification for muslim ban even though it's not a thing that happened.
  3. i read it was a saudi prince ho booked seats on the plane for his falcons or whatever they are.
  4. i don't have cable TV but i'm visiting family and every one has cable so i find myself sucked into the abyss
  5. this ass hat submitted a bill to have the USA leave the UN https://mikerogers.house.gov https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/193 oh, and this
  6. A lot of the ones on reddit are actually paid Russians. I'm sure many of the youtube comments are too. His actual base at this point isn't all that big. Hence the low approval rating. to be fair i think there are a large amount of mostly <25 year old males who don't really understand politics or how the world works but fucking hate the 'globalists', the 'feminazis', BLM and the 'liberal agenda' because it appeals to their prejudices. a huge amount of young trump supporters aren't even 18 yet. they're just confused and angry teenagers. EDIT: and BLM of course. also they think they hate "redistribution of wealth" even though no idea what it means. i think they are often unaware of their own prejudices as well. there's some level of uninformed decision making as well. not that everyone w/all the same information would make the same decision but there's a lack of informed decision making. there are a lot of reasonable and logical people out there who just don't have all the data to make a decision so they go w/the feelings and the fox news or the MSNBC or whatever it is that speaks to what they already feel and disregard in depth news coverage and real reporting where there's a one or two hour program on one issue that explains the nuance and complexity of it.. or even just says "here's what happened.. this is what this person did.. this is what this other person did" because they're afraid to be 'wrong' or change their own mind as that would make them 'weak' so they just keep piling on the bad data and confirmation bias/echo chamber.
  7. split screen of trump/obama for part of trump's speech
  8. jesus fucking christ wtf. Shia LaBeouf protests President Trump with live stream that will run for four years "Jaden Smith has been standing in front of a camera saying, "He will not divide us" for over three hours" http://consequenceofsound.net/2017/01/shia-labeouf-protests-president-trump-with-live-stream-that-will-run-for-four-years/
  9. he was great. always had good presence on the screen. even if he got sort of type cast he was always a joy. agent albert rosenfield.. classic.
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