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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. anyone follow Goth Shakira on Instagram? it's like this when the dank memes got too real
  2. Political ideology is like an NES game: if you go far enough left you come out on the far-right kanye is a Kanyeist
  3. here ya go.. scroll through this long twitter feed for fresh dose of indignation https://twitter.com/i/moments/808692098358800384
  4. lol.. Electors demand intelligence briefing before electoral college vote http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/electors-intelligence-briefing-trump-russia-232498
  5. sweet. https://theintercept.com/2016/12/12/transition-adviser-peter-thiel-would-directly-profit-from-mass-deportations/
  6. jesus fuck. this guy is gonna do this kid of petty bullshit every chance he gets and all these fucking idiot nimrods are going to yuck uck yuck and guffaw all over themselves and think they're part of the administration and have some say
  7. ^^^some lulz on this page. :) that's good.. my 1st world country is swirling up into a place w/3rd world-like fascist dictator frenzy on all fronts so i'm moderately drinking my way through it and dabling in renoise as a first world solution.
  8. sort of. it's well documented that the speech Colin Powell gave at the UN on WMDs was doctored after it left CIA. it was way off script. there were several analysts who made the case that saddam adn iraq had no links to alqaeda and iraq had greatly reduced ability to make WMDs adn the reports kept getting sent back to CIA with essentially notes in the margin saying "make connections" and eventually some analysts even quit but they never lied and made shit up.. they were expecting powell to read a version of their report but it was not so. the powers that be in the administration just made up new narrative to suit their agenda. the people in the administration who went against this agenda were dismissed and kept away from the president. so, trump saying "these are the people who told us iraq had WMDs" is at the least disingenuous. he's controlling the narrative and basically spreading the insecurity and doutb to the public to not trust anything anyone says but him. 17 intelligence organizations said there's evidence that russian hackers were involved.. not directly hacking voting machines but hacking the DNC and apparently the RNC as well but the RNC hacks weren't made public. an investigation should happen just so we know what really went on.. whether or not it changes the outcome is another story. personally i think USA is in store for a shit storm at every level of federal gov't.
  9. trump the fascist http://youtu.be/VslCHyJlOlc?t=2m53s
  10. it's what it was designed for right? protect against foreign manipulation? or something. i don't expect those people charged with voting in the electoral college to be versed in its actual meaning or have the courage to organize beyond their own self interests.
  11. it's a weird thing. my brother was a cop for 15 years so i met a lot of his cop buddies over the years. some of them were awesome. A+ human beings and often pretty normal people. he's got a few friends still from that part of his life. most of them are retired by now and moved on to private sector jobs. there were a few i met who were just morons. one in particular was just a sad sad fuckwad who later got fired for making up speeding tickets.. what cop is too lazy to even pull over speeders? there were a few just meat heads. people who had a very narrow life experience and general lack of understanding of people outside their little world view. being a cop is a weird thing. what i learned is they do a helluva a lot of domestic calls where two adults can't seem to act like adults and are doing dumb shit.. fighting over stupid things half drunk or whatever. i think half the country must be immature entitled stupids of all ages. so police get called to go do conflict resolution and perhaps arrest the abusive person or high drunk off his/her meds person etc. that's probably half what they do. it's like parenting the population. every district is different of course.. .but seems domestic issue are a large part of everything. i don't know how they do it. sounds awful. of the police i met it's a weird thing to think about some of them doing the job. just rambling.. but i think every department is different though there is a trend to hire a certain type and the militarization of police force and treating the district they 'serve' as a warzone where they are going into 'enemy territory' is pretty fucked up way to approach it and sets a cop's mind into a certain state and obviously leads to dehumanizing people they come in contact with imo.
  12. she's opportunistic. 3rd party.. raised millions in like 2 days.. more than she raised for her campaign. she's in the press. people are asking her questions. democrats are talking to her. at some point.. with most politicians the opportunity is all that matters. if it's big enough then it doesn't matter what they said or when or to whom etc.
  13. the price of "i told you so" is far too high for all this.
  14. Not just a us problem, btw! This crap is global. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/dec/02/fake-news-facebook-us-election-around-the-world fuuuuug. i think i read about that. also, i think the kremlin is monkeying around with causing trouble. it's putin's chief of staff/strategist's modus operandi. chaos and confusion.. disorder. it's only going to get worse for a while.. pizza gate is just one example.. people getting rilled up to go do dumb stuff. i saw one interview with russian "hackers" where they talk about having hundreds of social media accounts and making fake news and basically just playing around with people. I think that was on Full Frontal w/Sam Bee or john oliver.. i'll look for it..
  15. he got burned by Sidney Crosby pretty good the other day but he's still a good goalie.. so uh.. thank you? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ http://www.hockey-reference.com/players/a/andercr01.html
  16. i think they were fighting it because they were still drilling. i don't think they ever saw the native stand as anything but people that just needed to be out in the cold for a couple of months before the military came in, rounded them up and slapped them all with jail sentences for "public disobedience" just as the government recently allowed mass hacking, the DAPL will be granted to resume drilling again drilling? From what I understand the pipeline is a transfer pipeline. Not a well. And from a cursory scan of the area there aren't a lot of pipelines in that area, meaning there probably aren't a lot of active wells unless it's a completely undeveloped area, which I doubt. Transfer pipelines are above ground or buried just below in most instances. they want the pipeline to go underneath a lake or something.. so they have to drill under it. hence.. the drilling.
  17. america.. tearing itself apart bit by bit.. breaitbart vs weather channel - video at link. https://weather.com/news/news/breitbart-misleads-americans-climate-change?cm_ven=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&cm_cat=www.facebook.com&cm_pla=fb_feed&cm_ite=fb_social_rec&fb_ref=ls_share
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