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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. damn, you should be on their marketing team. I want to go for a long bike ride now through the type of country that has a nice river and an inn that overlooks it. It's too dry here for for nice rivers and too hot for bike rides. it's also nice when already drunk at a house party and picking through the fridge because "need another beer..." and finding a can of PBR still in a 6 pack ring.. the party goes on... next stop.. late night mexican food. the river story is actually true. went on a bike packing/camping trip a couple years ago. old railroad corridor in columbia river gorge along a river. it was hot.. we found camp.. i had managed to stick a 6 pack in my pack. we hung it in a net so it floated in the river and would stay cold-ish. then kept riding. my friend went through all his water.. on the continued ride.. when we got back to camp i immediately went for the pbrs.. had two... my friend had one.. 30 seconds after he puked it all up while pumping river water through his water filter into bottles. he was dehydrated and probably had a touch of heat stroke.. i kept drinking the pbrs and doubled down on the water. having one of those military spec water filters/pumps is great. filters out microbes and stuff. my friend was thankfully ok after drinking lot's of water and eating and a reasonable night's sleep. there's a couple cheap beers i can stand.. well not anymore since i was diagnosed with celiac and can't drink any beers at all.. unless gluten free and really what's the point. i stick to ciders and wine and potato vodka. i almost did go into marketing/communications but changed majors in college because that shit is awful.
  2. every country has some mass market beer that's over marketed and promoted. australia has a few and then they have some they only market to USA and don't sell in Australia.. like fosters.. lol.. that stuff is shit. but so is VB! anyway.. there's tons of amazing beer in USA but it's not available everywhere. california, the pacific northwest.. austin.. chicago etc.. bigger cities and places with a beer 'scene' have a lot to offer when it comes to beer. that being said.. everyone has a favorite cheap beer. PBR is like an ice cold loaf of bread in a can. an ice cold pbr is pretty nice next to a river after cycling 30 miles.
  3. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    i want the live stuff but i want albums too. i'm greedy. all of the it please.
  4. a few states vote by mail. is best method for voters. i love it. i wish the entire country did it.
  5. his apples were not of an edible variety and could be used only for cider: "Really, what Johnny Appleseed was doing and the reason he was welcome in every cabin in Ohio and Indiana was he was bringing the gift of alcohol to the frontier. He was our American Dionysus."[
  6. this is great. lot's of really good data and a 'big picture' painting of the world, economies etc. lot's of sharp analysis
  7. yep.. and i think one of the first things trump is going to do is change the rule on overtime that obama made. so all those people making $47k or less will get stiffed. i read about it in a few places but i forget all the details.
  8. all the people he's appointing are terrible. all of them will be working hard to push the privatization of education, further sapping power from EPA, chipping away at social security and medicare in attempts to privatize it or just get rid of it for future generations. reasonable people will have to band together to fight off the attacks.
  9. that's a great movie if you haven't seen it.. "Whiplash". i finally watched it a few months ago. fwp: i don't want to go to a thing out of town that i'll probably end up having to go to.
  10. somehow was directed to this https://youtu.be/46ZLAT7BY_s
  11. i guess because trump hasn't had an actual press conference yet but many many tweets about stupid shit and these couple of youtube releases. and the parading of people in and out of that country club in new jersey like they're contestants on a reality show which is not something other presidents have done. so, it's different.. different style for sure. he's doing shit his way and keeping a tight control on the media access. there's no spokesperson yet so that's part of it i guess. i'm glad there's not a 'worst financial crisis in history' scenario like obama had when he took office.. can't imagine trump stepping into that.
  12. i'd vote for locking the internet. this trump youtube video thing is creeping me out. if this is how he intends to communicate with the public its just going to get weirder and more and more like big brother checking in with directives. it feels even more fake and surreal now than it did on election day.
  13. Billioniare actually. Super pro voucher and Christian. Basically a Pence appointment. From what I read she likely wont push for religious crap but public school funding will be on the chopping block. She might be benign though, she isnt anti common core which most conservatives think is a liberal mind control conspiracy. I'm glad Nikki Haley was choosen though instead of neocon anti-internationalist Bolton. She's open-minded and fairly moderate. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk she's a terrible person. she doesn't believe in public education. http://www.ifyouonlynews.com/education/trump-hires-christian-fundamentalist-who-doesnt-believe-in-public-schools-as-secretary-of-education/ this is from the think tank she worked for http://blog.acton.org/archives/89837-bring-back-child-labor-work-is-a-gift-our-kids-can-handle.html this lady is a fucking asshole.
  14. I'm not advocating for PC-nessThat is literally the opposite of what I'm saying PC Culture is based on shaming people into line I'm saying "hey, let's do the opposite because shame doesn't actually work" that's not the point. you were advocating for some pretty conservative things not too long ago and now you seem to have changed your tune. did something change your mind or what? genuinely interested / curiousYeah actually in the last few months I've radically changed in a few important ways(I'll spoiler the rest cuz my posts have been super long lately) Yeah I've been studying psychology for a while But a year ago I dove into the psychotherapy stuff pretty hard And I think I accidentally cured myself of being a full-time cynical sarcastic asshole All of my social anxiety is gone I'm actually serious about my goals in life And I'm (working on) trying to make sure whoever's around me is having a good time And peeling off the misanthropic crust changed some of my political views, too Although I can't remember which ones Anyway yeah, thanks for asking Cheers does it come in pill form? can we get it into the water supply? that's interesting though. sounds intense as well. You and the 7 billion people around youare all running "psychology.exe" If you wanna implement bug fixes It helps to learn the software A good start would be to learn basic 'modular' neuroanatomy, and then to start pouring the psychology canon on top of that, and soon you'll have learned a bunch of models of both yourself and your environment, and then start to superimpose those models onto your experiences so you can 'troubleshoot and optimize.' As a further selling point: A lot of the recent advancements in psychology have come from (of all places) early failures in Cybernetics. (We perhaps learned more about psychology from early robots than we did from ourselves: lots of long-standing assumptions about perception, motivation and 'embodied cognition' got immediately destroyed) It's fun shit, dive in. interesting. does it come w/a time machine? i don't have time to do half the things i want to do or chase interests other than the ones i'm already embedded in.
  15. soundcheck pics and blurb for NIJMEGEN NL http://www.sequencer.de/blog/autechre-r-haswell-nijmegen-nl/28945
  16. I'm not advocating for PC-nessThat is literally the opposite of what I'm saying PC Culture is based on shaming people into line I'm saying "hey, let's do the opposite because shame doesn't actually work" that's not the point. you were advocating for some pretty conservative things not too long ago and now you seem to have changed your tune. did something change your mind or what? genuinely interested / curious Yeah actually in the last few months I've radically changed in a few important ways (I'll spoiler the rest cuz my posts have been super long lately) Yeah I've been studying psychology for a while But a year ago I dove into the psychotherapy stuff pretty hard And I think I accidentally cured myself of being a full-time cynical sarcastic asshole All of my social anxiety is gone I'm actually serious about my goals in life And I'm (working on) trying to make sure whoever's around me is having a good time And peeling off the misanthropic crust changed some of my political views, too Although I can't remember which ones Anyway yeah, thanks for asking Cheers does it come in pill form? can we get it into the water supply? that's interesting though. sounds intense as well.
  17. he just appointed sleepy eyes ben carson to run the HUD. wtf. that guy is a moron. he's awful. i'm glad for backlash as people will start to understand they aren't getting what they thought voted for but it's not going to be any fun.
  18. thanks for this link. really interesting read. amazing story. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/the-white-flight-of-derek-black/2016/10/15/ed5f906a-8f3b-11e6-a6a3-d50061aa9fae_story.html thanks
  19. Hitler was brutally beaten daily by his father and sexually shamed by his mother He was resentful of humanity and developed shame-driven OCD (He showered 4-5 times daily) But I'm sure what he really needed was more shame Not compassion and humanity jeez.. and then he went to art school and later had his psychosis enhanced with amphetamines.
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