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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. happy new year playlist https://youtu.be/6_d_zfCcX4M?list=RDtgkzlcR2wpE one of my favs https://youtu.be/6_d_zfCcX4M
  2. And Tricky Dick resigned before he could be impeached after the whole Watergate scandal if I'm not mistaken. Hmm. He did. He also had Kissinger in the helm. He didn't so much buck the system as he did ignore it. He was a criminal politician and a cynic but he also passed things like the EPA, establish relations with China, and kick-start key elements of the nuclear treaties. and for the mainstream he represents the death of innocence and belief in the USA gov't as an 'honest' entity. at least he knew when to quit.
  3. ignatius


    trap and ghostwave becoming the same thing?
  4. but he "hasn't bought gear in 5 years". ;)
  5. http://www.ketv.com/article/man-launches-gofundme-page-to-protect-betty-white-from-2016/8539848
  6. ^^^^ that's the 'stays at home' wheelchair that's used when they transfer a wheelchair bound person onto the toilet. i worked for a hospice for a few years and we had to order medical equipment all the time and that's one of the things ordered quite often. sometimes there's a version of that chair that has a toilet seat on it and a whole in the chair and a chamber pot below. the more you know!
  7. the end of that is pleasing. that final truck. i'm entertained.
  8. ^^^ lol'd at 'huge shitty drop at the end'
  9. Nothing new, but the novelty is that it comes from an insider. And it gives insight into their perspective. Nixon was pretty paranoid towards the end. i don't think trump is as self aware as nixon was.. so i don't know that he'll be so introspective as to become actually paranoid but if his administration doesn't stick together and stay on the same page who knows? it seems like he has a few people who will act as handlers or at least in the press they'll be out there restating some of what he tweets or quips to the press to form a message. was it here i read the article about "trumps followers don't have an actual ideology just an irrational hatred of liberals"? i can't remember.. it makes some sense for some of his followers and i suspect that coin can be flipped and same can be said about some liberals... anyway.. i agree about the outrage.. it serves no one to have the press/internet constantly outraged at whatever bullshit falls from his mouth. it also cannot be sustained or constructive. regarding conflicts of interest.. there is no rule about the presidency and conflict of interest.. only ethical guidelines that are really totally optional. it's up to the president to do these things but it's not required.. same as not sharing his tax returns.. this is not a requirement but every presidential candidate has done it for transparency. trump doesn't really care about that. but as the president.. who so far communicates by twitter.. and has no press conferences.. he's staying insulated and still managing to manipulate the stock market by making statements about boeing or lockheed martin. i don't think it's quite clicked yet that he's no longer just an entertainer.. but his words have consequences. he's the president elect of the USA and whatever he says carries more weight now. i think he's going to toy with this some and it's going to be weird. i mention late state capitalism because the lines are all crossed/blurred and the open door between industry/stock market and government is all free flowing and is hardly a door anymore. it's a hallway. it's been that way a long time in some places.. the pentagon and arms dealers for example. they trade places all the time. the general accounting office (GAO) does a basic audit of every dept of federal government every year. a one page thing. budget/expenses.. a basic input vs output statement.. the pentagon is the only dept that is exempt from this. not because of anything other than they don't know where the money goes, how much they have and how much they spend ever year. the GAO got tired of asking them to produce this one page document so they said "forget it". the pentagon.. i think in the 80s.. just stopped complying w/the request. the GAO said "fine". they're having a field day in there. the bureaucracy is so large and corruption scattered through out that a lot of people who would normally care are just warn down by it and it's business as usual. that's sort of how it happens i think.. at some point people just stop doing a double take and it's normal. i think that could happen with trump's presidency. i think it really could turn into a berlusconi type of circus.
  10. that's saying something.. 2016.. worst year in memory. america wins worst in worst year. srsly though i think trump is going to do like putin's strategist and throw shade in every direction just to create chaos and distraction. he may sort of end up in his own little political world and not even pay attention to most of what his administration does. all the different departments.. or he'll micromanage the shit out of lot's of things.. lose his mind and swallowed up by his ego and go into nixon-like levels of paranoia and modern equivalent of unforgivable scandals. the conflicts of interests are so far just kind of brushed under the rug. meh.. america.. it's a perfect example of late stage capitalism for the world to learn from.
  11. did i post this in here already? level of difficulty so damn high.
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