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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. this is pretty messed up. abhorrent. i can't see this not getting out of hand. once the full video goes public to the masses.. so far.. evening news is leaving out the "fuck trump fuck white people" part of the video and making it not sound political or racist. downplaying it essentially. if reddit moron is going to self investigate a pizza place over bullshit then what will a hardcore racist white supremacist do? someone just waiting for the right trigger to go shoot some black people? w/o leaders.. local and national.. calming people down by going on tv and uniting etc this shit is just going to keep happening and get out of hand. not that it will make a difference in a lot of people's lives who are already dodging bullets daily... or whatever.. idk..
  2. well.. shit. http://www.fox32chicago.com/news/crime/227116738-story shit like this.. idk.. wtf. it's only going to stoke tensions.. prompt retaliation from equally fucking stupid white people etc. these morons committed a hate crime perhaps? we'll see how that goes. reprehensible.
  3. i'm pretty sure it's all consipiracy related. toddlers making deals w/other toddlers.. "you kill my mom and i'll kill yours.. deal?"
  4. DEA/FDA just classified CBD oil as schedule 1 no medical value.. wtf.. the brakes got put on any (and there are a few) ventures that were looking to go national w/CBD oil which can be extracted from all the bits of the no THC plants used in creation of industrial hemp products.. which mostly use the stalk.. so all that is in limbo or on hiatus until the feds get their fuck heads out of their fuck asses.
  5. Oh it was "drain the swamp and then dump toxic waste in it" I knew that promise had a catch. Rick Perry pulled a similar stunt before he left, defunding an independent agency in Texas. Also NC effectively threw a hissy fit when a Dem won the governor's office and stripped him of his powers in a similarly anti-democratic shady session. NC judge put a hold on that... at least temporarily. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/12/31/judge-temporarily-blocks-law-curbing-power-new-nc-governor/96032870/ so there's that.
  6. I read that Putin was urged to expel 35 US diplomats from Russia, but his response was that he didn't want to stoop down to that level. Instead he invited the kids of 35 US diplomats to a Christmas and New Year's party. Putin seems like the most sensible person right now. he's at an advantage in some ways.. but think about it this way.. Obama is leaving office. he's trying to set things up for what comes next. he's acting on the information all the security services agree on.. he's making it an issue. he's saying "hey this is serious and we need to deal with it as a nation and this needs to be on the agenda to discuss.. debate..".. etc.. so congress now has to deal with it... and the various factions in congress are taking positions. it's going to be disruptive and it's going to place people in corners and force them to choose allies. it's also going to reveal who is going to line up with trump. so, domestically it's perhaps a pretty smart thing to do. but aside from the internal politics of it.. it's a signal to the the rest of the world and a first international issue for trump.. will it stick around? who knows.. it could just get swept under the rug depending on what congress does and where the media lands with all this and how much shit posting trump does on twitter. putin has no opposition, there's no media there to challenge him.. he can do whatever he wants and he's savy. i'm pretty sure this is how trump wants to operate. his administration is making lists and collecting names and preparing to oust people and also deny access. he's yet to have a press conference.. only some chit chat on new years and a bunch of twitter shit posting. so, as always, we'll see.
  7. filmed in portland. probably ex-tweekers in recovery
  8. me too.. i mean it's 2017 already.. i need a reason to live.
  9. happy new year! maybe this should be in the brexit thread? idk.. this is basically mirroring portland last night. there were numerous fights and drunk stupids https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2512502/new-years-eve-fights-vomit-and-sleeping-in-bins-carnage-on-britains-streets-as-boozed-up-revellers-celebrate/
  10. happy new year playlist https://youtu.be/6_d_zfCcX4M?list=RDtgkzlcR2wpE one of my favs https://youtu.be/6_d_zfCcX4M
  11. And Tricky Dick resigned before he could be impeached after the whole Watergate scandal if I'm not mistaken. Hmm. He did. He also had Kissinger in the helm. He didn't so much buck the system as he did ignore it. He was a criminal politician and a cynic but he also passed things like the EPA, establish relations with China, and kick-start key elements of the nuclear treaties. and for the mainstream he represents the death of innocence and belief in the USA gov't as an 'honest' entity. at least he knew when to quit.
  12. ignatius


    trap and ghostwave becoming the same thing?
  13. but he "hasn't bought gear in 5 years". ;)
  14. http://www.ketv.com/article/man-launches-gofundme-page-to-protect-betty-white-from-2016/8539848
  15. ^^^^ that's the 'stays at home' wheelchair that's used when they transfer a wheelchair bound person onto the toilet. i worked for a hospice for a few years and we had to order medical equipment all the time and that's one of the things ordered quite often. sometimes there's a version of that chair that has a toilet seat on it and a whole in the chair and a chamber pot below. the more you know!
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