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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i've been waiting 6 months for it. all that time he's been writing and rewriting his hits. this shit is gonna drop! "I'd like to introduce you to the 46th president of the united states.. Mike Pence.. and I resign"
  2. making its way around the social media.. edit. source is same as other stuff posted here https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/10/us/politics/donald-trump-russia-intelligence.html?_r=0
  3. politics is some nasty stuff. we'll see how much of this goes forward. dems are gonna have to be equally as nasty to withstand all this
  4. well, a lot of people did look to other countries and say "hey, why can't we do that?" and initially a lot of people thought "let's make a single payer system" and even when into the committee rooms etc trying to get that going and it got shit upon all over the place and so what we got was this watered down one or two steps in the right direction Affordable Healthcare Act. there are rather large insurance companies who make a mint selling insurance to healthy people and dropping the sick from their coverage plans or so it was before the affordable care act... but we'll see what happens after they actual repeal it.. they're supposed to replace it but i figure they'll forget about that part. also, lot's of really stupid people freak out about anything the gov't pays for (even though it's our taxes) and they immediately call it "socialism" which is antithetical to capitalism which is the greatest system ever given to man by god or something like that.. and people don't really get that maybe we can have a little of the good parts of other ideas and still have capitalism.. also, most people don't understand that single payer source wouldn't be free healthcare and the gov't taking care of people.. they just don't get it. the gov't just becomes the payer source.. that's it. we pay taxes.. one payer for all the halthcare industry to negotiate rates w/and that's it. here's a post i nabbed off reddit which seems to make sense:
  5. i think a lot of people have no clue about anything
  6. this is pretty amazing and hilarious. i guess calling it obamacare worked
  7. ignatius


    UK friend of mine turned me on to this when she was here visiting. fucking lost it watching some of these.
  8. shit wtf.. i've been missing out. all the times i've listened to this album... i've never heard MCR Quarter.. where the fuck is it? it's not on my CD of vinyl? it is quite possible i'm stupids. edit: oh, from the japanese release
  9. probably should be in the "how does the world view america today" thread
  10. ignatius

    Now Reading

    i really liked the delillo stuff i read. immersive in a lot of ways. i like his writing.
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