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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. it's so great. tucker carlson is such a douche.. some great trolling there by that guy.
  2. "A homeless man with links to Bill and Hillary Clinton..." no doubt he's part of the pizzagate sex trafficking ring.
  3. how the fuck am I just now reading about this, i totally skimmed over that when I was reading this article about how he's supplied cropdusters converted into COIN attack planes, flown by UAE backed mercenary pilots, to one of the warring factions in Libya that dude is currently leading covert multinational operations of private contractors / mercenaries for over a decade now, the kind of figure fictional hollywood and cable tv show kingpins are made of normally, not a real life leader. but tony orlando is playing the inauguration http://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/entertainmentnews/the-latest-tony-orlando-to-perform-at-an-inaugural-ball/ar-AAlWIiO TIL: Tony Orlando is still alive
  4. pretty much. it's like when P-diddy comes out w/the worst song you ever heard and in a week it's No. 1 and the whole country goes bananas for it and he makes millions of dollars for it. "worst person ever." "oh, she'll get confirmed easily"
  5. Trump thrives off of media hostility, and the more hostile — and the less defensible — the better. http://nypost.com/2017/01/12/buzzfeed-just-did-donald-trump-a-huge-favor/
  6. the comments. ugh. cringe. "there's gonna be a a million "bikers for trump" at the inauguration so any protestors are gonna get obliterated!" - meanwhile there's estimated 200,000 women protestors showing up to march. a lady i know is going. she said it's been really great to be a part of and it hasn't even started. she said all the rooms are booked everywhere and a church said "hey, you can stay in the church and we'll see if any of our church members want to host an activist/protestor" and that worked well then suddenly all these churches were doing the same thing.. so she's staying with a random family in baltimore or something. so these protests and marches are uniting a lot of people and and basically laying the ground work for potential networks across all kinds of boundaries to form. some of the churches are asian, many are predominantly african american, many are white mostly people and a bunch are unitarian which are "everyone is welcome".. so it's going to be a pretty interesting cross section of american women out there doing their thing. that weekend is gonna be all kinds of crazy over there in DC area.. and Plaid is playing right in the middle of it at local venue. lol.
  7. http://laughingsquid.com/playful-fake-food-hair-accessories-and-jewelry-that-look-like-precisely-prepared-meals/
  8. it's frustrating i know. but my understanding is there weren't prosecutions because the cases that they broke laws were just too weak. wearing my obama apologist hat here, so i'll say the laws were decades in the making and not really obama's fault. put simply: the laws sucked. they tried to improve them (frank-dodd). i wouldn't say he hired the architects but he definitely brought on people who were over sympathetic to the wrong perspective. but man, you gotta scale your problems. the obama admin has its warts, but i really think they are of a different order of magnitude than what we're facing now. and tricking people into thinking things were comparable, when they weren't, is how these clowns got us into this potential shitshow. i have my issues w/the obama administration but more so with the lack of awareness of the democrats those first two years. the democrats thought too much about reaching across the aisle and being nice and all this shit instead of just hammering home all their policies while they had the majority in congress. when bush was in office the republicans just rammed everything threw that they wanted. the dems are often too thoughtful for their own good. they take the high road too often.. though they do politic w/the best of them at times and there's just as many scoundrels in office. they really know when to shit the bed. drones + civilian deaths, kill programs, jailing whistleblowers.. these are things that bugged me a lot. i know w/the drones and kill programs these are weighed against all kinds of justifications and "no one knows what the president knows" and i know that obama campaigned and believed in not getting all tangled up in a new war.. but gotdamn.. we're still afghanistan. he almost closed gitmo.. it's almost empty.. not quite.. and trump will likely try to fill it and do all the rendition shit again.. idk.. wtf. we're fucked. the world is going to become one order of magnitude nastier if trump delivers on promises to torture (a crime still, ya know) and the world follows suit.
  9. President Word Salad http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38536671 press conference transcript. it's really weird to read trumps spoken words. and this https://www.ft.com/content/33285dfa-9231-11e6-8df8-d3778b55a923
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