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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. fuckin hell.. even all bass distorted it sounds intriguing.. i hope this stuff hits the ae store. bring it to my ear holes please. edit: face melt at the 7 minute mark. holy fuck. there's nothing like this but ae.
  2. it's a fucken soap opera. such political drama. this is what we're getting regardless of the winner. drama. scandals. emails. bill clinton sex stories. if they can impeach her or just drag out some congressional hearings.. they will. because they can. it'll be benghazi all over again. if/when she wins i hope they up the secret service protection to paranoid levels. will be a shitty first 100 days
  3. jesus. intolerable cruelty to hear that guy speak. jesus.
  4. 2 weeks ago clinton had 88% chance of winning.. today... 75% chance of winning. by election day it'll be even closer race. where's the nembutal?
  5. and the r/the_donald psychos are going batshit because "it's proof weiner and obama knew.. " .. .something.. what they knew and wtf they are talking about i have no idea.. it's all horseshit at this point. still.. my fingers are crossed even though hilalry did well with early voting and trump has only, according to the polls, pulled a little closer in some places. it's so fucked. the media is fucked.
  6. yeah.. that's what i thought.. i don't know why they had to make an announcement. unless it's a quick turn around to some kind of decision. there's the tinfoil hat people at r/the_donald all going nuts because something something obama knew that hillary knew that anthony knew that blah blah blah.. i have no idea wtf they're all freaking out about. took one look at the sub reddit and nope.. outta here.
  7. *fixt?* Also, wtf is Comey doing? gotta be some kind of political maneuvering somewhere. so far what's being reported is it's some other emails they found related to another case and they don't know anything about anything yet. i've not looked for more in the last few hours but this afternoon and on the evening news on PBS they got into it and that was the most of it so far. wtf is going on w/these people?
  8. not so much as it once was. there used be a well known white power skin head group just out of portland. some guy who was an organizer or whatever.. sort of like "American History X" style compound.. well into the 80s i think.. before my time here but people have told me about it. and then there's the thing where western states.. specifically oregon had a ban on black people moving here. http://www.blackpast.org/perspectives/black-laws-oregon-1844-1857 there were lot's of fucked up laws in america for a long time. curfews for black people or asians.. i've been told portland had one of this curfews for asians and they used to to use the tunnels around downtown to get around after dark. not sure on that though.. never investigated. oregon is largely rural and the biggest city is portland which is a small city really. in elections as portland goes so goes the state because population density. portland is very left, very open, very accepting, but still very white and transitioning from a mostly working class culture to a mix of working class old school oregon to tech brogrammer culture in the vein of san francisco type. hopefully it doesn't get obliterated by the transplants.
  9. ignatius

    Now Reading

    really digging "Darkmans" by nicola barker. i like her style a lot. every now and then i don't understand why something is funny because BRITISH! but mostly it all translates pretty easily. she hits things just right..
  10. we just pretend to do that and tell him the whitehouse has been moved to the Kremlin *fixt* Also, lol at leaked emails from russia: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/26/kremlin-puppet-masters-leaked-emails-vladislav-surkov-east-ukraine or siberia. kremlin. whatever.. just anywhere but here. srsly.. i wonder if there's a CIA sleeper mind control gent somewhere with trump in the subconscious? somewhere that person is getting all nervous and weird and has no idea why.
  11. can we just pretend to do that and tell him the whitehouse has been moved to the south pole or something?
  12. Holy hell the descriptions of that trial sound like a shitshow. Oregon Public Broadcasting had a weekly podcast about it. haven't heard it but supposed to be great. i'm guessing the charges they went with were not sellable to the jury and they should've just charged them with every possible thing they could to get some of it to stick. not sure how they didn't get found guilty for possessing a firearm in a federal building though???
  13. those yalqaeda motherfuckers got found not guilty. what the actual fuck. http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/crime/verdict-near-in-malheur-wildlife-refuge-standoff-trial/ whit people can do whatever they want. get a bunch of rifles and go take over some shit anywhere.. it's all good no problem.. fuck it. fuck it
  14. what you talking about? lot's of blacks support trump.. like this lady.. he's a weirdo.. kissing and hugging is how he expressed himself.. can imagine him signing a bill into law and picking up the paper and kissing it and hugging it.
  15. she's not stupid. she's playing a game. they all know what they're doing. anyways... here's this! talk about crazy town!
  16. she seems like a real c*nt. She was really dismissive and rude to the guy. that's standard operating procedure at fox news. but yeah.. sanctimonious, dismissive.. ridiculous.. anything really to get attention.. i think it's pretty competitive over there and getting the name to ring out serves whatever her ambitions are beyond the talking head on fox news. if you google "megyn kelly donald trump jon stewart" you'll find lot's of video clips of her towing the line
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