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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. this is pretty great. and fucked up. i knew bullying in british public schools was a big deal and always had been but not so much as this.. i mean.. i know someone who's in her early 40s ? i don't.. anyway.. she dropped out of school at 15 or so because of the bullying. i didn't realize it is something that is so institutionalized... it's only one aspect of this podcast as it's not about that.. it's about this one dude and his type of people.. pretty interesting.. interesting british guest as well and funny.. Robert sits down with Ed Zitron to talk about Lord Aspinall and his gambling buddies, who ruled London high society with an iron fist and also did a murder. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-lord-aspinall-the-gambling-128146878/
  2. and after the pre-order it's $229 if you do the pre-order they don't charge your card until it ships.. which will be in 2024
  3. i don't remember any of it except sean made a handful of posts then checked out. the twitch streams compiled on youtube are full of lot's of info on lot's of topics. all 11 hours of them are worth a listen for whatever particular nuggets someone is looking for.
  4. he's been wandering around playing the flute for years. kinda rad. he shows up in random people's social media videos. "hey look who i just ran into". i didn't see the jimi hendrix movie but i've seen the clip where he plays Sgt. Peppers.. not that this has anything to do w/his new album but he's a pretty talented guy.
  5. something like 68% of america lives paycheck to paycheck. it's true so many people are just trying to survive every day and have worries and stress all their own. there's a lot of people who through simple common sense and street smarts gained from their own experiences can smell bullshit a mile away and can look at this situation and size it up.. they have some idea of how the world works because of how it works here at home in america. as for grassroots.. ya never know. the danger is they get coopted all the time.. and we're beyond trying to fix capitalism and this system in america from within i think. something new has to come along. turn the lights out and back on.
  6. i've heard a lot of takes on this situation that basically come down to the person saying "israel should just level that place" which is fucked up obviously.. also the "they voted for hamas" narrative is just insane. a lot of people in USA have such limited knowledge about any part of the world outside their own subdivision/gated community/rural enclave in their own town/city . it's just stuff that gets piped in vie the internet and mainstream media fuckwads. not everyone.. but a lot of people. it's typical and not unexpected. americans in particular abhor complexity and want a simple answer so they don't have to think too much. they'll spend all day setting up their smart TV and entertainment system but RTFMing w/an open mind about anything else is just to omuch trouble.
  7. I haven’t watched a John Oliver thing in years but this is pretty good. look at recent context with politics in Israel and how fucked up Hamas is. He’s not presenting a solution but dispelling some narratives people lazily believe.
  8. the story about him is fucked up. he didn't want to go into the family business. per their father he wasn't a "killer" in business. didn't have that attitude. he wanted to be a pilot. so they all thought he was a loser and at family gatherings he was the butt of every joke and endlessly shit on for wanting to be a pilot. he did become a pilot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump_Jr. fucking shitty family.
  9. isn't she on the spectrum? i think that must factor in to things a bit.
  10. i couldn't find this bourdain episode by itself so you'll have to settle fro Hasan's comments during it.. but bourdain talks to a woman who tells him about the fisherman not being able to go out to the international line or whatever and that's where the deeper water fish are.. and if they go out there they get shot it.. detained.. boats sometimes destroyed or impounded. the bourdain stuff is awesome in this and while going around and eating w/all different people in israel, west bank, gaza he asks questions and talks about all the things..
  11. i have noticed with the current situation in israel/gaza/palestine that the tempers of people are shorter and they have a hard time seeing any nuance about it at all. the history, the complexity, the other side of the conflict etc.. is just disregarded because it's too complex for them to deal with and much easier to buy in on the language of fascism. they're tired of hearing people "complain" about their situation. some of this is racism, islamophobia and some of it is just laziness and lack of effort to even try to have a smidge of empathy and make any attempt to understand why a thing might be happening or why a whole bunch of people feel a certain way about it.. the foreign policy thoughts people have feed into the domestic immigration ideas of people like trump.
  12. edit: this is crazy shit. children w/higher level of PFAS in their bodies have weakened immune systems. antibodies don't work well.. so vaccines don't work on them. also, weaker skeletons... higher incidences of cancer. the only way they've found that people can reduce levels of PFAS is when women give birth. they offload the PFAS to the baby while pregnant and then after birth when breast feeding. so, women are thinking about breast feeding for shorter periods of time. they're yet to find anyone anywhere who doesn't have PFAS in their blood. thousands and thousands of blood samples
  13. also crazy that so many people are unaware of this language he uses and why it's alarming/important. it just sails right over them or triggers them in a warm and fuzzy way to make them like him more. they want to be angry at something and he gives that to them.
  14. the first thing i ever watched w/him was the joe rogan interview from way way back where he's talking about evolutionary biology social order of the tribe and shit... and saying that any man who is an ally to a feminist is 'beta'. "evolutionarily speaking the male who couldn't compete with the alpha males of the tribe would gain favor by allying with the females" - and then he started extrapolating that out to present day male allies of feminists etc.. and the whole time joe rogan is going "woooooww.. so.. no way.. woooow...." and just lapping it all up.. .and i did my best to give peterson a chance but after a bit of that it was obvious this guy was an asshole and i didn't get wtf kinda trip he was on. later when we tried to cold turkey the benzos in russia and almost died i thought "yeah.. of course. that somehow makes sense"
  15. he's using the language of fascism.. always has.. but now he's like "gloves are off.. we're gonna round up people with the wrong kinds of signs on their lawn"
  16. been saying for long time now but he needs to get back on the benzos pronto.
  17. kathleen belew is awesome. haven't read her book but watched many interviews w/her. also, rabies.. gotta be one of the worst ways to go. Just watched Oppenheimer and it's really well done. excellent script. ya kinda know all along the sub plot but i like how they roll it out. cillian murphy is great. whole cast brings it in. matt damon's character is a bit of a trope but probably how that guy was in real life. can't really criticize.
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