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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. The Republican party is one of the most dangerous organisations on this planet. She must have been either naive or morally bankrupt to join them. Maybe politics to her is something like an intellectual game?
  2. Sanders must make clear that Medicare For All puts workers unions into a better negotiating position because their medical insurance isn't part of workers' rights negotiations anymore. I'm sure he says this already but it's such a strong argument that it can't be highlighted enough.
  3. Isn't this a heart-breaking bird? ?
  4. Quality stuff. You must have hundreds of these by now
  5. big business is attacking democracy pretty hard there, kinda worrying if ya think about it
  6. Is there a reason the guy with the confederate flag doesn't use a different version of that flag to show that he's not racist? ?
  7. I would notice that and why dilute silver with gold?
  8. Update: My city is now ranked Nr. 1 in Meth consumption, yay
  9. Meth is annoying. I live in the city with the second highest Meth consumption in Europe (which of course fills my chest with pride) and lots of weed dealers offer you Meth as well which I think is a huge problem. Been to this guy to buy weed the other day and he hadn't slept for 3 days and was super aggressive in his tone and kept arguing with his girlfriend, normally completely relaxed people, but like that total assholes. You know drugs bad (especially bad drugs bad)
  10. Hadn't checked your threat since you posted this. Thanks a lot. I will examine it more closely at a later moment. Listening to tum tum right now, very enoesque track
  11. Press Alt + F4 to launch "all end"
  12. Dunno, I only use knife and fork for the pineapple part of the pizza
  13. What is the reason this shit face has a small but real chance of getting president of the United Imperialistic Forces of the Federal Union of Free and Democratic States of the Republic of the United States of America (UIotFUoFaDSotRotUSoA)?
  14. Hey The Bro, I really liked The Bro - This is the one (demo) by The Bro, it elevated my spirit
  15. I suspect cocks was sarcastic. I think his music is better than his reputation on WATMM suggests. Not entirely my cuppa tho
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