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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Finland's bosses: I think that's relevant in the America thread
  2. Did it improve your cooking? My pan broke and I'm pondering wether I should get a stainless steel one, a cast iron one or a wrought-iron one
  3. Yes, I'm a fan of Sanna Marin. But as Finnish has no gender specific pronouns and as language shapes the way we think it must mean they're all transgenders, logically.
  4. Yeah but only spent a couple of weeks in NYC which I guess is not very representative of the US as a country. Don't get me wrong, you can get really high quality groceries which are insanely expensive but also really low quality groceries (lower than allowed in the EU), chlorinated chicken, etc. It's why so many people here were against TTIP.
  5. ^Fuck yes Another method to cook zucchini is this: Chop the zucchini and activate it by rubbing it in salt and sugar (5 parts salt, 1 part sugar), let it sit for 2 minutes in a pot. It will lose some liquid which then is covering the bottom of the pot which is important. The pre seasoning already does 75% of the cooking process. Then put the pot on the stove with the lid on and heat it up. As soon as the lid turns hot count to 30. Done. This is much better than parboiling because you don't lose any taste and vitamins and shit to water as you only boil and steam it in its own liquids and you don't waste precious water. And it tastes amazing even though it's just seasoned with salt and sugar. This way the zucchini tastes more like zucchini than a zucchini tastes like zucchini. ZUCCHINI!!
  6. They were fine. I never had bitter carrots. But in my experience the general quality of groceries is better here in Europe than in the US. Yeah, I'm a stir-fry man also. There is nothing better than stir-fried food. Talking of vinegar, you should try this sometime if I may suggest it: Put sugar (cane sugar if you have it) in a dry pan and heat it up until it starts to caramelize. Just after it starts to bubble add Balsamico vinegar (or any other vinegar) and deglaze the pan. Add one chilli and a subtle amount of salt. Extremely flavourful sauce that surely tastes good with carrots or any other thing. Also you can add it to another sauce to round off the flavour
  7. there recently opened a CBD shop in my city too and I've gotta say it's surprisingly disappointing not to get high after a bong hit though it somehow puts my racing mind at easy at night.
  8. I understand your sentiment but in case of "they" as a singular pronoun the earlier described usage is by now not uncommon as far as I know. It's not that any of us here invented that.
  9. https://archive.intereconomics.eu/year/2012/2/the-financial-transaction-tax-boon-or-bane/
  10. Double taxation isn't immoral. It's pretty normal. You pay income tax and you also pay sales tax on goods that you pay for with your income. One has to think about which sources of income apart from income tax could exist in order to bear the immense costs of the necessary restructuring. A really good idea is a financial transaction tax. This would have the side effect that the finance industry, which does not create actual values, would be contained. For example, it was calculated that a financial transaction tax of 0.3% in Switzerland could distribute an unconditional basic income of € 1,500 per month to every Swiss citizen. Sure, the US isn't Switzerland, but still. It is clear to that a basic income is currently unthinkable in the USA, but the financial transaction tax remains an interesting financing model and would make it obsolete to increase income tax which would only further burden the middle class. Of course, one shouldn't be dogmatic about the healthcare system. A mixed system can work very well. I don't think Medicare for All is a bad idea, but there are certainly other ideas. Experts should take a close look at this and decide which of the existing models fit the US best. Incidentally, it is nonsense that Germany has already reached its limit of onshore wind energy. However, the construction of new wind power plants is blocked in many cases, because right-wing parties are against it and use it as part of their populist agitation mostly because they are associated with the coal industry. Acceptance among large parts of the population is therefore falling. Interestingly enough, many of the anti-wind power people who don't want a wind power plant next to their village forget that sewage treatment plants, manure drying plants and airports can be closer to towns than wind turbines but they don't oppose to this as much. But that's another matter. It is simply not okay that students leave college with a debt of 50k dollars, at least in my books. Education should be everyone's right and not a question of wealth and social background. And what about those who don't complete their studies for whatever reason? Without a degree, they have little chance of getting into a profession that enables them to pay back. The USA has to become more social. And that certainly costs money, so a financial transaction tax makes sense.
  11. A wealth tax will only lead to wealth being transferred and administered elsewhere. So I agree with you on that even though from a moral perspective it probably would be fairer. Much better would be a financial transaction tax. The US could force other countries to take part in this by sanctioning the fuck out of them like usual. Cancelling student debt and free colleges is a good idea. Why do you oppose to this? Medicare for all is also a good idea. Definitely better than the system the US has right now, by far. I understand the pro nuclear arguments. It's a very green technology until something goes wrong. But modern nuclear plants are extremely safe. It could serve as a gateway technology until greener technology is more advanced. Definitely better than coal. But still not sustainable and 100% safe and where to put all the nuclear waste? Also, more sustainable energy sources are already pretty good and can replace nuclear plants and coal power stations.
  12. I occasionally grab a raw one and eat it. Other than that I've made carrot salad and I use them in stews and soups. Most dishes profit from INSANE amounts of carrots. Sometimes I have sex with them. Hutspot is a dish formerly unbeknownst to me, might try that as well. And it might become the currency in the post-apocalyptic world we might live in soon
  13. caze was right all along!
  14. Why not call all people cunt? I agree that this whole speaking / writing genderwise correctly thing can go way too far. The German language is much more affected by this because there are gender endings that get messed up by symbols like * or _ which looks totally out of place, e.g. Schüler_innen to combine the masculine Schüler with the feminine Schülerin, and if you want to include transgenders as well you use a *: Schüler*innen. Looks totally shitty and destroys the reading flow. Some people even invented a new ending "-ix" which if you use it makes you sound like a retard. Very unpractical. But if a person wants to avoid saying "he or she" they can instead say "they" which is shorter. Very practical. But if it sounds stupid I'm going to avoid it.
  15. Does using "they" as a singular pronoun sound weird to a native speaker's ear? I guess I can get away with using it because my English is weird anyway, but does it sound wrong? I use it all the time
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