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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. What do you then do to that veal shank?
  2. I agree. Though you got to admit that there lies beauty in perfect engineering. I definitely understand when people desire well-built things and pay more for them than for less well-built things. It becomes problematic when luxury transitions to decadence and when unnecessary consumption causes people elsewhere to be less free and less healthy because they work under exploitative conditions. Still, these structural issues unfortunately can't be solved in the private sphere. There are globally valid rules and structures for this already (human rights, WTO, etc.) but these rules can't be applied because there is no global executive power to enforce the rules (the existence of such a power would bring other problems, too). What I'm trying to get at is that deep-rooted global structures won't be broken by private people being a bit more responsible and consumption aware. It can only be fixed by a good legislature, judiciary and consequently a competent executive branch that all act globally, and agreements that make this possible can be achieved if we have responsible and non-reactionary leaders on national levels. We seem farther away from this situation than a couple of years ago, though. That's why it's important to mobilise non-voters to vote for left candidates and parties so that we can finally make a start. But maybe I'm too optimistic because virtually all Western democracies in different measures are infiltrated and strongly manipulated by corporate power. I want it in my mouth
  3. I miss the seamless inter-meme transitions that you used to utilize as a mean of artistic expression. Frankly, I am quite disappointed that you have irresponsibly discontinued this amazing feature of your meme posts. But other than that I'm very satisfied. In fact I'm so satisfied that you should think about the possibility of you being gay, as you pleased another man in such high measures with your actions. Pretty gay imo
  4. No, just the guy who played this character died. Big Bird is a fictional figure and cannot actually die
  5. Why do you guys go into actual shops to shop? What about online shopping? You destroy your local economy and you support a bunch of rich criminals who don't pay taxes. Two birds with one stone
  6. It always strikes me as particularly curious if people find it odd when other people find it bizarre when people find it weird that rich people know/bump-into-at-parties other rich people.
  7. Which kind of knife do you prefer? I like these because you can do everything with them as far as cooking goes plus they look badass:
  8. You can't/couldn't do that? That seems OK to me, there's too much democracy anyways. Why give people the choice? They make bad choices anyway
  9. I guess it depends on where you define the start of the supply chain. If you take into account mining metals and stuff I agree with you. The computers that are built into the cars alone require mining of rare earths and all that stuff. Lots of materials are used that with our current economical structures can only be obtained in inhumane ways. But that goes for almost any product that for its production requires such materials and isn't restricted to premium cars. If you only look at what's happening in Western industrial countries in which Mercedeses are built, taking into account both the supply/components industry and the production itself, payment and working conditions are all in all decent, not only for the engineers with B.Sc. or M.Sc. but also for regular workers. They all have very secure contracts. At least in Europe, dunno about the US What about the male phallus?
  10. This sounds good but somehow the combination of sauerkraut and mayo is godless Just ate slightly corned and then boiled ox meat with horse radish sauce in a bun
  11. You all have an insanely poetic idea of your poop, I support that Twin Towers
  12. A cup of coffee averagely costs 20 cents in production. That means whoever is selling you coffee for 1.30 is making a profit of 650%
  13. Listened to both in a row while preparing pizzas. It complemented that activity very well. Fascinating hypnotic soundscapes. Will listen more often Thanks for code
  14. Max/MSP is a computer program that automatically generates tracks if you press a button
  15. Yeah, unregulated Facebook that is. Goebbels would have loved Facebook. In fact, Hitler adored the American ad industry. But they would have liked it unregulated
  16. Yeah, regulating Facebook leads inevitably to genocide
  17. Software controlled by hardware is the best.
  18. No, read it in English. Can't judge the translation as I don't speak Japanese
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