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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. What about people in wheelchairs? It's kinda unfair that they have to sit all the time while all the others can walk. We should make walking illegal so it's more fair.
  2. dingformung


    Insanity. Imagine being a mouse inside a mouse plague Pretty good bump
  3. I hope they introduce the Covid vaccination certificate / immunisation card so you can travel when you're vaccinated, like they have in Israel. https://corona.health.gov.il/en/directives/vaccination-certificate/
  4. cyanobacteria's political trolling/puberty has been getting very cringe lately
  5. no ad hominem and straw man arguments in here please. keep it civil
  6. I've noticed the same. You post as if you are brain damaged.
  7. By the sound of it she was in the right. More appropriate response would have been to kick you out and leave you homeless for the night, so you can learn from your mistakes.
  8. Nah, that's exaggerated. You don't need to force yourself to "be the light that radiates unconditional love & have fun" at all times. Not being an entitled little shit is enough
  9. I hope you were polite about it but since you made her almost cry I think you weren't. Maybe she didn't provide an as high quality service as you demanded, but that doesn't mean you need to be a total cunt. Very Karen behaviour on your side imo
  10. This was a so called "anti joke". It is supposed to not be funny and refers to the stereotype about German people having a poor sense of humour. A result of the post-war era.
  11. So you think killing a bunch of Asian women is not indicative for this crime to be racially motivated but him having a fetish for Asian women is?
  12. Or an incestuous family? Are you guys related?
  13. Yeah, ignore racism more, this will make America better. Goddamn journalists.
  14. take a video of you taking a picture of yourself taking pictures of the view of your window with a laptop
  15. The dick slapping / ball flapping looks like a pretty good idea to me tbh. I'm gonna try that
  16. The women was referring to centimetres but you intentionally misunderstood it as "beats per minute", which is funny because we are on a music forum, one that allows music above 160bpm at that. This was the joke.
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