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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. That's silly and exactly their marketing. Some of the designs look okay but hundreds of dollars for a t-shirt with a nice print? Come on. There are better ways to spend that money
  2. - life span opossum: only 2 years - averagely 60% of offspring dies because they fall off the back and starve to death - defence mechanism: freeze and secrete stinking feces - no major evolutionary change since 5 million years
  3. That's the problem with movies that live too much from their story and plot twists rather than from their form and cinematographic aesthetics. For a movie to age well the plot is almost secondary. Inland Empire being an extreme example of form > story. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about
  4. Well put and I see where you are coming from. Honestly it's been a while since I saw it but it seems to get more boring with every watching which isn't necessarily a quality of a classic. It's not an as important movie as its popularity suggests
  5. If you are serious about your art you should take a break from relationships. She's a distraction.
  6. You have to sit down and invest the work to find out how to do these things otherwise I can't see you progress or develop any artistic vision
  7. If this is without post editing then your phone really does some HDR magic. The skies look actually like you'd see them with your eyes. Though I think you should edit them to make them look even better. Use some photo app that allows you to take pictures in RAW for even better editing possibilities. The notion that photos should be unedited to be considered real photography is typical amateur thinking
  8. Been smoking way too much, too. It's ridiculous. Yours looks like some fluffy outdoor Sativa
  9. Nontwoism BoC is an evil distraction and might even kill you.
  10. I wonder if this is intended because they actually match almost as if they were composed for that purpose.
  11. ae is good, though, and keeps getting better. it's so unique and detailed - but that's not IDM, I guess
  12. nice and sneaky update, I like staring at picture of your view i'm assuming you only see this for a couple of hours a day, days short no light ? :
  13. I'm not sure. Görlitzer Park seems to be where a lot of transactions happen, there are generally a lot of drug dealers. Thanks, I like it here. A lot of people left this part of the country and there is more living space than there are people, so it's easy to find a good place here even as a poor fuck
  14. Agree. House on the left tries way too hard to look posh
  15. I like it - it's a good song by TheBro
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