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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Those policemen clearly lack the slightest common sense. Even I could have done a better job without any training. It's a disgrace
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgenerational_trauma#Descendants_of_slaves
  3. Yes, it is hacked by right wing conspiracy theories created by lobby groups. The victims of this sort of false information are given the impression that they think freely, cross-reference information, do their own research and are ahead of the general public in that regard. The culture of extended critical thinking and media competence that you propose isn't presuppositionless, it requires the absence or containment of dumbness. So it isn't so much about how we deal with information, it's more about how we deal with dumbness.
  4. But what is all this hate he has to endure in comparison to all that money that he fills his affiliate's pockets with? He is a hero of the richest 0.001% who view regular people as cattle
  5. As long as it is accepted to torture animals to death for a better taste of food this sort of relationship to other beings will be applied to humans as well, be it in the form of racism or in other forms. As long as it is okay to devalue and massacre one kind of being it is not far away to put other beings into that same category and do it to them as well. If you can castrate a pig without anaesthesia it is not far away to go to another human and say: "You are a pig.", and do it to them, too. Because of the economical damage of Covid-19 thousands of pigs had to get rid of because their meat couldn't be sold anymore and keeping would have been expensive for the meat industry, so they were put into a room and steamed to death with 140°C/60°F hot water vapour for 20 minutes, the pigs that didn't die during these 20 minutes and were still twisting on the ground then had to be shot one by one. If you can euthanise one kind of creature it is not far away to do it to another kind of creature as well. As long as this is normal and not seen as a big problem, racism and genocide will at least be a possibility that's in reach.
  6. I'm surprised that France is handling this so badly. How did two similarly sized countries, France and Germany, located right next to each other and with comparable levels of wealth and resources and good healthcare systems, end up with such different outcomes?
  7. That is 1 ace dance move I wish I could dance like this
  8. remember that just a generation ago there still was race segregation in this country
  9. Sucks when u torture someone and hope he doesn't die and then he dies lol
  10. I still don't get how you can become a good cop with a 3 - 4 month education. In most other countries they are trained for 3 - 4 years
  11. It's a good idea to address macho culture in the police, though. I've heard in the US you can become a police officer within 3 months (!!!) and then carry a weapon and play Rambo in the streets, bullying people. Not a bad carrier choice for racist bullies That being said I think that a society needs a police.
  12. The mob could slit him open alive and strangle him with his own guts until his eyes pop out.
  13. Oh, I've always been interested in that topic. I find most forms of activism intrusive but I do think that animal rights are an issue. Intensive industrial life stock farming is not only a huge environmental damage but is also immoral in terms of animal cruelty and that on a very large scale and I'm interested to hear a sober voice on the political and moral philosophical implications of this issue instead of some highly emotionalised animal rights activist. Therefore I'm reading this book That kebab though ?
  14. Bernd Ladwig: Politische Philosophie der Tierrechte (political philosophy of animal rights) A rather academic read
  15. Vantablack is not good in terms of road safety
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