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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. sorry mates, my cultural heritage doesnt allow me better cooking
  2. I invented a new low carb dish today, to develop a muscular pelvic floor: it was too much but rather quite good, very quite good I did the following: heat up iron pan as hot as pussible, throw in pre salted & sugared chicken breast, sauté it for 25 seconds on each side. while it has browned ends and still pink raw spots throw it into a preheated bowl and put a lid on it, leave it there, so it can steam itself until it's done (that way tha meat doesn't shrink but maintains 100% of its original size). use the still hot pan to sizzle peppers and mushrooms, throw sugr into the pan, wait till it bubbles and caramelizes, then deglaze with vinegar, then throw in chili & garlic. add saltiness & depth by adding soy sauce, not too much. pre salt & sugar zucchini and throw it in there oh yah (5 parts salt 1 part sugar). chop some of the mushrums and cilantro and scallions and tomatos and leave them raw and wrap dem in that asian rice noodle thing that u soaked in cold water before but make sure to grate some lemon peel ontop of all the ingredients before wrapping them up et voilà it's a waste of good ingredients that i could have used in 5 meals but it definitely tasted interesting, very IDM
  3. It generally is? Honestly let's drop this taxonomy bullshit, you're probably right anyway (not that I think so ?). But... it generally is? I think TTIP/CETA was a good example of a bad neoliberal project that luckily failed. Also, exploitative trading relationships with less powerful countries, because you have the freedom to do that, is neoliberal and rather bad. Well, if you have a right wing president then a moderate conservative means a shift to the left, yes. Chomsky is right.
  4. So conservatives don't want to help the middle and working class per se? I think often that's what they try to do (but usually fail). In many ways he is a neoliberal conservative, not unlike Merkel, definitely not a social democrat. Not quite sure why you toss in Marx again. Do you miss Zeffolia? ?
  5. We don't disagree that any Democratic president is way better than Trump. And you just said that Obama's foreign policy was a clusterfuck, so we don't disagree here either. Still, I wish for Americans that they would have the choice to vote for actual change. Until now they basically always had the choice between far right and moderate conservative and the winner takes it all, which is indeed a flawed system that leaves little space for compromise and integration of different ideas in a process of coalition forming, like you would have in a multi party system.
  6. lol, you can make every city look like a slum by taking photos of the most dirty corners
  7. I think you got a wrong impression of my views. I'm aware that the US isn't a third world country and not a dictatorship. It's listed as a flawed democracy by the EIU, I guess mostly because of the two party system and the media environment, though it's probably still a rather benevolent rating considering the EIU's rather neoliberal bias. I'm mostly criticising the foreign policy. Obama was another servant of the military industrial complex, solidifying its power and anti-peace efforts, causing thousands of deaths. And yeah, his social politics were lukewarm. He was a generic establishment president uninterested in real change. That being said these kind of policies are of course better than Trump's completely destructive unintelligent politics. My point is, Americans have little choice in November, not too many options.
  8. What options do they have? Biden will continue Obama's failed policy and Trump is the leader of a death cult.
  9. Hey man, you know that alcohol is bad for your liver mate
  10. I've been studying Schlitze out of boredom. Some funny bits in his recent activities. But check this post, it hilariously breaks ranks with his other posts. Almost cute that he thinks this is acceptable cooking, lol
  11. I love that bottle opener
  12. Fair point. The German unification isn't that comparable as the duration didn't last as long and there was still exchange between the two sides. West Germans could visit their East German families etc. And even though the GDR regime wasn't nice it wasn't as terrible as the NK regime in that in NK there are public executions that people are forced to see and so on. Unimaginable terror is put upon the people living there. The division in Korea seems insurmountable. But what could be the alternative? A reformed NK? I doubt that this is possible. I don't view NK as a sovereign country, it's more a piece of land colonised by a group of criminals that exploit the population ruthlessly. How to put an end to this?
  13. My browser history is full of this stuff and I don't protest against pandemic lockdowns with weapons ?Um, I mean it's not full of this stuff, I'm not that kind of guy... Corona was for sale at my supermarket the other day
  14. In case of Iran, who is an ally of China, it was possible to assassinate a political leader. China didn't mind that much. China sort of protects North Korea but is annoyed by them, too, they wouldn't mind too much if this regime got taken down I think, although they would mind to have US military bases as a direct neighbour. And South Korea officially wants to unify with the north, even though large parts of the population are against it because they worry about economical issues (fucking cunts).
  15. I never dreamed of her but I remember watching that movie when I was 10 right after my parents divorced. I was at my dad's place in the countryside all alone because he had visited the neighbour woman that evening, haha. It scared the shit out of me. I wonder what objectively speaking is so scary about her, on a psychological level. Maybe it's because she can come through the TV screen, basically transcending the story and becoming reality or some bullshit? No clue. I don't find it too scary anymore but it was horror at that age When I had sleep paralysis for the first time I basically woke up in my room unable to move while some long fingered creature softly touched my face. Felt pretty uncomfortable. The fact alone that you're (seemingly) awake but can't move is pretty scary and made me panic. But it basically stopped when I got older, only have it on very rare occasions, also I developed a technique to stop it. Usually you can still move a little bit, it's rarely full paralysis, so slowly moving the toe, then the foot, then the leg etc. can make you wake up
  16. Maybe for the better. Disruptions are unpredictable and can lead to even worse situations. Hardly imaginable in case if NK but I think possible. I hope Korean unification will happen in my life time. I wish the West would do more against the NK regime, but there is so little that can be done without harming the population. Not sure if Trumps visits helped anything or if it even helped legitimize the regime.
  17. But the school system has obviously failed them. Kudos to all that stayed curious and open minded despite high school
  18. These men and women are clearly victim of wrong perceptions. If there only was a way to help them correct their wrong perceptions.
  19. It's because that way an Alp can sit on your chest at night.
  20. That's because weed suppresses REM sleep that you later catch up on. Can induce really trippy lucid dreams, which can be enjoyable, but sleep isn't very restful that way. Also can induce sleep paralysis, which is a very scary thing when it happens for the first time. Sucks when you have to work next day, lol
  21. I dreamed that I travelled through morphing landscapes into a pitch-dark forest. I walked through it on all my multiple legs only navigating with my tactile sense until I reached a small moated fortress. My dad was standing on the bridge and as I approached him I noticed a chopped off pink cat paw hanging in his beard. When he picked it up with his fingers it transformed into a colourful bug that flew into the night sky.
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