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Everything posted by zero

  1. Texas represent - https://mulletchamp.com/kids/kids-2020-winners-gallery/
  2. ugh...had to go to a meeting this afternoon with a potential customer who was a trumper. basically had to listen to a few minutes of rambling about Arizona blah blah blah before the meeting started. so glad everyone kept their masks on so one could see me both smiling and grimacing at the same time.
  3. MAGA cultists better start praying to witch doctors, or cthulhu, or something for some cosmic intervention here... maybe if they start chanting "deus ex machina," a zombified Herman Cain will show up and burn down the vote counting buildings. "please Jah, send us the power of the Cain Train to crush this election, and let our boi mister ronald trump win with his love."
  4. in a nutshell, it is all donald understands. tit for tat, favors for favors. he got them judgeships, so they get him out of a bind when he needs them. it's that simple. laws, pfft, what laws? those things are a bunch of stupid words... easily bendable. plus, he's the president, so no one can catch him. and as stupid as the text above is, it has worked out extremely well in that fucking joke of a human's favor. he may not be back as president next year, but he will be hanging around for years to come. donald trump is going nowhere. we are going to have to deal with the stupidity he has unleashed for numerous years to come...
  5. just going by what NPR has posted right now - Biden is currently at 264, and Nevada gives him 6 to reach 270. he looks slightly behind in the other 3.
  6. so looks like it is all up to Nevada? PA, GA, NC look to be going donnie's way. this is stupidly close right now...
  7. sorry I can't answer this, but am also curious to see if anyone here has checked it out yet. the reviews for s4 have not been as kind as previous seasons. figured I'd wait until they've all aired, then try it all at once.
  8. yeah! why aren't there more trump supporters hanging out here? Richard's recent online outburst whining about lock downs should have drawn them straight to us! "who is aphex twin" I'd imagine was the top google search in MAGA circles that day. then it's only a matter of time before they dive in to the back catalogue of the Analogue Bubblebath series, SAW II, and ultimately become watmm members. fuckin puzzled as to why this hasn't happened yet...
  9. that's a good point, donald could come back in 2024. it's like trying to kill Michael Myers or something.
  10. do not read this thread while listening to doom metal. it'll make you even angrier
  11. yes. and mcconnell eeking his way through means it is going to be several more years of the exact thing we have today. nothing getting passed, stonewalling, refusing to cooperate. it's like watching a shirts vs. skins game where the losers are the audience.
  12. yeah maybe he wasn't the best example. I should have said "any ol' mass murdering homicidal maniac" could run on the republican ticket and have a legit chance at becoming president.
  13. well so much for a potential "blue wave" as had been hyped in recent months. it all looks about the same. even turtle man managed to slither through. absolutely mind blowing that after dealing with the worst president in the country's history, people still lined up to vote for him. I'm pretty sure that Hitler could run today as a republican. it really doesn't matter who it is, people are going to vote along party lines no matter what because they've been brainwashed into it. do not ever think for yourselves, because of some notion you can't even explain rationally to anyone tells you to. human beings deserve all the horrible stuff that happens to us. history teaches nothing. fuck this.
  14. fuckin Texas man...can't believe I bought into the hype that this might be the year for the state to turn blue. just looked at the election results map by county and sure enough, red everywhere but near the big cities and the RGV.
  15. I think for me, that's what makes this all the more depressing. the fact that the half the country are voting for a meglomaniacal con man is sad.
  16. this is so fucking depressing. yeah it's not technically over yet, but donald's winning any way you look at it. so many people are stuck in the mentality of "well yeah he's crazy, but I ain't no liberal pussy ass democrat. I'm a republican and so is he, so I'm voting for him."
  17. 2016 HRC feels... plus, Eric trump's wife said today donald will win in a landslide
  18. this is just a minor interruption in tonight's events, to remind everyone that anyone voting for donald j. trump, is completely, and totally bat shit insane. carry on
  19. I'm getting major flashbacks from the 2016 election right now... Hilary led early, I got drunk, woke up sometime after 1am, checked phone and didn't understand why it was saying trump won
  20. I only recently came back into the fold after 7 years of abstinence from thc. I feel like a newbie again with all these new technologies available to partake. vapes, dabs, all that shit was not around when I was first learning the ropes. it's pretty amazing how far this has all come in the past 10 years or so.
  21. figured I'd post this here since this thread has become the defacto drug discussion thread. Oregon votes today on legalizing shrooms for medical purposes. but the catch is in order to get a prescription, you have to be observed while tripping. sounds like a fun job. I'm sure the "observers" will see a bunch of whacky shit. https://www.kezi.com/content/election-stories/Measure-109-seeks-to-legalize-and-regulate-psilocybin-therapy-572910541.html
  22. 1,152 days is the current world record for number of days at sea. @Tim_J you up for the challenge?
  23. why does it now say "1 viewing" behind some forums, when actually there are more people viewing than that?
  24. sadly, he'll never go to prison. he's going to get away with it all...
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